- Academic calendar: year cycle and holidaysThis page provides all sorts of information related to timetables and scheduling, including information on the scheduling team, the UT academic calendar and FAQs. MyTimetable will be replaced by Time Edit Viewer as of 2024-2025 More information Academic planning The academic planning contains the planning of the academic year. In addition to the planning information there is also information about special holidays when UT is closed. When planning, we take the UT event calendar into account to prevent occupational issues. Downloads Academic Calendar 2024 - 2025 links to ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2024_2025 Oct24.pdf Academic Calendar 2025 - 2026 links to ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2025_2026.pdf About Academic Calendars The academic calendar is the collection of preconditions considered when scheduling UT's academic timetables. For example, the academic calendar lists the start date of the academic year, lecture and exam weeks, holiday periods, etc. All UT academic timetables are based on the academic calendar. All education institutions
- Lecture roomsThe university has a wide range of classrooms and lecture rooms. Large or small, rooms with flexible seating formats, rooms specifically intended for exams, lecture theatres and so on. The classrooms administrators of Facility Services provide support for users of these rooms so that their activities run as smoothly as possible. This includes tidiness and cleanliness in the rooms and halls, arranging the furniture, dealing with equipment faults, putting presentations on the computer and replenishing supplies such as pens, etc. Unless stated otherwise, this is the software used in the lecture rooms. Our rooms are equipped with technical facilities to stream or record lectures. More information can be found under Manuals streaming and recording. In order to make the use the classrooms as pleasant as possible for everyone, it’s important that users leave the rooms in a clean and tidy condition: Would you like a different furniture arrangement? That’s no problem of course, but please return the furniture to the standard
- Schedules & (project) room reservations (TimeEdit)TimeEdit is the new planning and timetabling system of the University of Twente from the academic year 2024/2025 onwards. TimeEdit Viewer and Reserve Visit TimeEdit How to use TimeEdit? (videos) FOR STUDENTS and utwente x-number users Timetables How to use TimeEdit Viewer for Students Reserve a project troom How to use TimeEdit Reserve for Students For Staff Timetables How to use TE Viewer for Staff Reserve a project room How to use TE Reserve for Staff Manuals Manual TimeEdit Viewer (for students and UTwente X-number users) Manual TimeEdit Reserve (for students and UTwente X-number users) Manual TimeEdit Viewer (for staff) Manual TimeEdit Reserve (for staff) FAQ Can I integrate my timetable into my personal calendar? Downloading and Uploading Your Timetable: You can download your educational timetable from The TimeEdit Viewer. For detailed instructions see FAQ 'How can I integrate my timetable into my personal calendar'. After downloading, you can upload this file to your calendar. Note: The timetable will be
- Study spaces and project rooms for studentsVarious buildings on the campus offer study spaces. There are spaces where you can simply sit down and study, as well as project rooms which you can book. Study spaces per study programme Some studies have their own study spaces in their buildings. We cannot publish a full list because there are hundreds of them: some larger areas are easy to recognise, like the open study spaces in the Technical or the Cubicus ground floor (former canteen area). Smaller ones have just a single large table somewhere in the hallway. The setup changes continuously. If you are unfamiliar with your programme's study areas, please check with your study programme staff or your study association, as they are usually also involved in these facilities. The website of your study programme (list for current students) should list the contacts. Project rooms for all students TimeEdit is a system that makes booking a project room easy. Enter your preferences, and you’ll see which spaces are available. You can book up to two weeks in advance