Requirements for accessibility

Videos are used for different types of channels. We share best practices for Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook and Instagram.

Submitting your video for the UT channels

If you have a high quality video about research or education at the UT, it might qualify for being placed on the UT YouTube account. Please submit the following information to onlinemedia (a) 

  • Video file (use for example
  • Title of the video
  • Short description
  • Primary language
  • Subtitle files (English, but you may also add a separate Dutch file)
  • Should the video be visible to everybody or only via a private link
  • Are others allowed to embed the video to their website or not

If you want the video on YuJa, please use the YuJa-platform to upload the video.

Is subtitling required?

By applying the government’s digital accessibility guidelines (digitoegankelijkheid), websites and web applications (online office documents included) become accessible to the general audience (citizens, companies and other governments), employees and students.

Definition Accessibility

To offer services and information in a way that it's usable for anyone, regardless of any disability. 

Read more about the Accessibility guidlines and legislation.

Subtitles in video

Most people are not able to turn on their sound when they watch video's on Social Media because they keep the sound off in the office or during a train/bus ride. Therefore it's important to add subtitles to all video's. YouTube, Vimeo and Facebook let you upload separate files for subtitles, but in Instagram they need to be included in the video. There are two options:


Upload a video to your own YouTube account (if you have a google/gmail account then you also have a YouTube account). Go to Youtube studio and to the tab video. Click on the video and on the left-hand side the menu-item "Subtitles" will appear. Follow the steps. You can add a subtitle file or type the subtitles manually for the video.

When you added the subtitles to you video you can download a subtitle file from Youtube for reuse in other channels: upload them in Facebook and Vimeo. Please note: by default you get a sbv file in YouTube, but the example file below is a srt file, also one of the options.


All three channels have the options to upload a separate subtitle file, even in different languages. User can choose their language in the video. 

The role of Online Media

Online Media is not responsible for the content on the website. The website administrator is responsible for this.

Online Media has the right to remove videos on the UT channels and websites that do not meet the accessibility requirements. In addition, Online Media also has the right to refuse videos that do not meet accessibility requirements.

Service Desk Online Media
Service Desk Online Media
Marketing & Communication

We are also available to chat via Microsoft Teams.

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