Campaign University of... (Dutch)

On behalf of High Tech Human Touch we started with the TOUCH Campaign in 2012. A campaign based on the people who, together, constitute the University of Twente. Based on the visualization of the stories, the own content of our university. A smart and widely applicable concept.

The (international) ambition from the Vision 2020 requires sharper positioning, more brand awareness, and a sharpened campaign concept.


Having your own content works, which is apparant from the past few years. That is why the core of the University of... concept still is our own content. Besides that we want to build a strong brand and stand for the things we believe in. Within that we make sure that various initiatives and (sub)campaigns reinforce each other to establish long term effects. With University of... we are able to carry out and claim our identity and what it means to us even more.

University of… 
- Characterizes the brand University of Twente
- Provides space to everything the UT does
- Appeals a large amount of varying target groups
- Reflects entrepreneurship maximally – it happens at the UT!
- Provides international allure – worldwide partnerships
- Shows pride and courage
- Both online and offline applicable with the possibility to deploy in an activating way

If you would like a means of communiation in the campaign's style, you can make an online request.

Some examples:




Ice skating rink Enschede

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