See the current and previous projects in our group for more details:
Current projects
- Current projects
- AGILE: Self-organising marketplace to realise a self-organised sustainable power system
DEI+ “Buurtbatterij in de Weverij” (neighbourhood level energy storage)
- EFRO Flex-Go
EU Horizon 2020 – Sustainable and Integrated Energy Systems in Local Communities (SERENE)
EU Horizon 2020 – Sustainable Energy System for Achieving Novel Carbon Neutral Energy Communities (SUSTENANCE)
Flywheel technology for energy storage and fluctuations in microgrids
GridFlex Heeten
MOOI - SmoothEMS with Gridshield
NWO – ISOLATE - Integrated distributed SCADA security through local approximations of power flow equations
- NWO Perspective Program - MEGAMIND
TKI Urban Energy - FairPlay
TKI Urban Energy - SlimPark
Previous projects
- Previous projects
SIMPS: System Integration of Micro-Grids through Profile Steering
IH: Islanded House
DISPATCH: Distributed Intelligence for Smart Power routing and matching
SFEER : Scheduling a large fleet of MicroCHP appliances
DISPATCH+: Extension to a case study of Amsterdam ArenA
DREAM: Dynamic real-time control of energy streams in buildings
Ecovat: Longterm efficient thermal energy storage
ORTEP: Open Real Time Development Platform for Smart Grids
Pilotprojekt Kita Haren
HEGRID: Hybrid energy grid management
I-CARE: Personalized climate and ambient control for zero-energy buildings
MOSES: More Secure SCADA Through Self-Awareness
Smart Grid Evolution: Developing a service platform for the Internet of Energy
MOBEG: Monitoring en Beheer van Gebouwen voor een Smart Grid
E-balance: Balancing energy production and consumption in energy efficient smart neighbourhoods
In4Energy: Working together on tomorrow’s energy supply
Meppelenergy: developing a hybrid Smart Grid for urban districts
EASI: Energy autonomous smart micro-grids