UTFacultiesEEMCSEnergy in TwenteProjectsPrevious projectsSmart Grid Evolution: Developing a service platform for the Internet of Energy

Smart Grid Evolution: Developing a service platform for the Internet of Energy


The development of Smart Grids, and smart energy systems in general, is still in the Proof of Concept phase in the Netherlands. Most projects are of a design nature or involve small test sites, where technologies are implemented and tested to determine their long term viability as a business case. These projects mainly serve to determine the potential of technologies in a social context. To take the next step in the development and deployment of smart grids in the Netherlands, a large test site is required. This large test site will be neccesary to reach the goals of the Innovationcontract Smart Grids of large scale deployment of smart grids around 2020.

The projectpartners start with the project Smart Grid Evolution to prepare the realisation of a large scale test site for smart grids in the Netherlands. The goal is to realize the System of systems design of the ICT-architecture, telecommunication-architecture, physical infrastructure and institutional environment. This design will be used in 2016 to realize a large scale test site of around 500.000 grid connections. Within the test site currently known smart grid technologies, principles and products & services can be brought together. Furthermore, national and international research institutes, ICT & technology companies, energy suppliers, companies delivering new services and products, end-users and governments can experiment and learn with the energy supply chain of the future and new business proposals can be tested. To this end a market model including incentives for sustainable behaviour is required.