Farmers located at the end of low voltage feeders often suffer from unwanted loss of PV generation due to over-voltage and congestion problems related to their physical location in the grid. Grid codes dictate that inverters must cease generation if the voltage rise exceeds regulatory power quality limitations. Furthermore, new installations are not approved if they potentially could overload the local grid during production peak moments, even if such peaks only rarely occur on a yearly basis.
In this project we develop a fair decentralized control mechanism. The aim of the system is to control generation of (a group of) PV systems in rural and farming areas where the hosting capacity is scarce, limiting the integration of renewable energy generation. By smart coordination of inverters on a low voltage distribution feeder, fairness between renewable energy producers can be guaranteed and power quality issues such as congestion and over-voltage are mitigated. To achieve this, real-time distributed measurements have to be coupled with fast reacting algorithms that ensure such fairness whilst proving that the local grid is operated within its limits.
The results of this project will enable the utilization of distribution grid capacity to its full potential, resulting in increased hosting capacity for renewable energy, especially in rural areas. Furthermore, the overall generated energy will be optimized in order to ensure that all energy producers benefit from a return on their investment, including those (potential) PV owners that cannot profit because their system exceeds cable limits or ceases production due to over-voltage problems.
Involved partners next to the Decentral Energy Management research group:
- Eindhoven University of Technology, Smart State Technology (real-time measurement equipment manufacturer), Enexis (distribution service operator), and foundation Anpak’n (energy transition accelerator).
Time period: 2020-2024