

Do you want to organize better your student tutorials, where students don't need to raise their hands anymore, but just write their questions in a (digital) queue? Where students are helped in the order their question arised? Use TA-help.me to achieve this. Also during online class TA-help.me can help you better.


TA-help.me optimizes the process of assisting students in (online) tutorials (werkcolleges):


No software is required to use TA-help.me; TA-help.me is generally available as a Canvas plugin. TA-Help.me needs to be enabled in your Canvas course. First, navigate to your Canvas course and go to the page Settings. Under the Navigation tab you can see that TA-Help.me is currently disabled for you course. You can enable it by clicking ‘+ Enable’ under the options. After doing so a new button will be visible in your course navigation. By clicking on this button, you will get into the setup process.

(Detailed information about how to enable a Navigation Link can be found in the Canvas documentation.)

If you want to know more about using TA-help.me, you can go to the help-page on the TA-help.me website for more information.


Teaching staff who want to know more about TA-help.me can visit the website or contact us by sending an email to telt@utwente.nl