Hora finita for supervisors

Hora Finita is used by supervisors of doctoral candidates at UT during the entire PhD/EnGD process.

The system sends out e-mails at pivotal stages of the research and graduation phases, to remind supervisors of tasks such as checking additional registration information, validating T&SP activity evidence and proposing graduation committee members. Every call-to-action email includes a .zip file including detailed instructions and screen captures showing what has to be done.  If forms must be filled in, they will be attached to the emails. In addition, a manual for supervisors and a manual for faculty secretaries with delegated access is available.

All screens can also be reached from the personal dashboard in Hora Finita. See the section below for more details. Our workflow charts explain all steps and responsibilities for performing the tasks. 


After logging in to Hora Finita you will see a personalised Dashboard, consisting of the following parts (amongst others).

Top menu

Using the Top menu you can navigate to all screens needed to complete tasks such as registering qualifier results, approving T&SP elements, etc.

Current PhD students

Screenshot of Hora Finita dashboard

By clicking on the avatars you'll navigate to the specific student's overview page.


Screenshot of hora finita tasks overview

The tasks overview provides an easy way to reach the screens in Hora where, for example, approvals need to be done, or the committee names have to be filled in.