For candidates

Hora Finita is used by doctoral candidates at UT during the entire process, from initial registration to approval of the manuscript. All personal data, progress, and followed courses are registered in Hora Finita.

Each PhD candidate has a personalised Dashboard (see the section below for details), presented after logging in, from which all necessary actions can be executed.

The system will also send out e-mails at pivotal stages of the research and graduation phases, to remind candidates to fill out additional information, request feedback, plan the public defence ceremony etc. Every call-to-action email includes a .zip file including detailed instructions and screen captures showing what has to be done. If forms must be filled in, they will be attached to the emails.  However, those forms are also available for download. 

Please see the detailed workflow diagrams explaining all the trajectory steps and the person (or entity) who is responsible for performing each task.

Hora Finita Dashboard

After logging in to Hora Finita a PhD candidate will see a personalised Dashboard, consisting of the following important parts.


You can use this menu to navigate to complete specific tasks such as adding proof of completion of T&SP elements, uploading the manuscript, etc.


This part of the dashboard shows the status of your T&SP.


In the checklist, all activities that are - or still have to be - concluded are shown. You can click on the hyperlinks to open the corresponding screen. After an activity has successfully been concluded the "checkbox" icon will turn green.