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Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme

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The Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme aims at increasing the number of people specialized on the fields related to the EU acquis and hence supporting Turkey’s administrative capacity building efforts for the effective implementation of the EU acquis.

Within the framework of Turkey’s negotiation process for full membership to the EU, the Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme (JMSP) aims at contributing to Turkey’s administrative capacity building efforts through increasing the number of experts on fields related to the EU acquis. Therefore, the Scholarship Programme, differing from other graduate scholarships, provides support for academic studies only done in accordance with the mentioned purpose of the scholarship.

People who are currently:

Scholarship value

Scholars shall only conduct academic studies at graduate or research level at a university or similar institution in one of the EU member countries for periods of minimum 3 (three), maximum 12 (twelve) months. Academic studies longer than 12 months will not be supported even if the scholars are willing to fund the remaining period.

Scholarships should be used in the specific academic year they are awarded for. Postponement and/or extension of the scholarships are not possible.

For each academic year, the amount of the scholarship and the ceiling for the tuition fees are determined by the Jean Monnet Steering Committee with the aim of ensuring a minimum living standard to the scholars.

Amount of the scholarship covers the following;

The Jean Monnet Scholarship is calculated so as to cover the expenses of the scholars only. For this reason, no extra allowance is paid to the scholars who will be travelling with their families.

The scholars who could not successfully complete their academic studies or who could not fulfil their contractual obligations will be requested to pay back the whole or a partial amount of the scholarship they have been paid.

90% of the scholarship is paid upon the signature of the contracts while the remaining 10% is paid upon the completion of the programme and the closure process.

Further information can be found on the Jean-Monnet Scholarship webpage: https://jeanmonnet.org.tr/en/about-scholarship-programme/

Country of Origin


Level of study

Field of study

The Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme supports academic studies at graduate or research level at a university or similar institution in one of the EU member countries. Scholarships are granted exclusively for academic studies directly related to Turkey’s EU harmonisation process and the EU acquis.

Therefore, unlike other graduate scholarships, these scholarships will be awarded only to the studies on the acquis chapters listed below under Qualifying fields.

The applicants are required to choose only one of the EU acquis chapters given above and indicate it as their “field of study” in the Application Form. After the application process is completed, making changes in the field of study is not allowed. Academic studies related to the fields other than the ones given above will not be supported. 

Field of study (EU Acquis Chapter) chosen for academic study and the academic programme (graduate or research) to be pursued should be in compliance with each other as well as with the ‘purpose of the scholarship’. Choosing the field of study and ensuring the compliance of the academic study to be pursued with the field of study chosen are solely under the responsibility of the applicants.  

It is recommended to visit the web sites of the Ministry for EU Affairs, the Delegation of the European Union to Turkey and the European Commission for detailed information on the content of the above listed EU acquis chapters.  

  • Qualifying fields
    • Free Movement of Workers
    • Free Movement of Goods
    • Right of Establishment and Freedom to Provide Services
    • Free Movement of Capital
    • Public Procurement
    • Company Law
    • Intellectual Property Law
    • Competition Policy
    • Financial Services
    • Information Society and Media
    • Agriculture and Rural Development
    • Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Policy
    • Fisheries
    • Transport Policy
    • Energy
    • Taxation
    • Economic Criteria or Economics and Monetary Policy
    • Statistics
    • Social Policy and Employement
    • Enterprise and Industrial Policy
    • Trans-European Networks
    • Regional Policy and Coordination of Structural Instruments
    • Judiciary and Fundamental Rights
    • Justice, Freedom and Security
    • Science and Research
    • Education and Culture
    • Environment
    • Consumer and Health Protection
    • Common Trade Policy (Customs Union and/or External Relations)
    • Foreign, Security and Defence Policy
    • Financial Control

Scholarship value

The scholarship entails:

Countries eligible for this scholarship
  • Turkey

Application requirements

To qualify for this scholarship, applicants must fulfill the following requirements:

  • University

    Academic or Administrative Staff

    • Nationals of EU Member Countries or IPA Beneficiary Countries,
    • Those who have at least a bachelor’s degree obtained from a minimum 4-year undergraduate programme,
    • Those currently working in Turkey at a university as an academic or administrative staff,
    • Those who meet the CGPA and foreign language proficiency criteria in the official scholarship announcement
    • For male applicants, those who have already completed or suspended their military services or who are exempted from military services,
    • Those who have no health problems that could hinder an academic study abroad.

    Senior Students at Undergraduate Level

    • Nationals of EU Member Countries or IPA Beneficiary Countries,
    • Those who are senior students in an undergraduate programme at a university in Turkey,
    • Those who meet the CGPA and foreign language proficiency criteria in the official scholarship announcement
    • For male applicants, those who have already completed or suspended their military services or who are exempted from military services,
    • Those who have no health problems that could hinder an academic study abroad.

    Graduate Students (Masters or PhD)

    • Nationals of EU Member Countries or IPA Beneficiary Countries,
    • Those who have at least a bachelor’s degree obtained from a minimum 4-year undergraduate programme,
    • Those currently studying at a university in Turkey at graduate level (master’s or PhD),
    • Those who meet the CGPA and foreign language proficiency criteria in the official scholarship announcement
    • For male applicants, those who have already completed or suspended their military services or who are exempted from military services,
    • Those who have no health problems that could hinder an academic study abroad.
  • Public Sector
    • Nationals of EU Member Countries or IPA Beneficiary Countries,
    • Those who have at least a bachelor’s degree obtained from a minimum 4-year undergraduate programme,
    • Those currently working in public sector in Turkey (including the employees of the professional organizations having legal public personality, chambers and local administrations – municipalities, special provincial administrations – development agencies, public development and investment banks, public deposit banks, etc.),
    • Those who meet the CGPA and foreign language proficiency criteria in the official scholarship announcement
    • For male applicants, those who have already completed or suspended their military services or who are exempted from military services, 
    • Those who have no health problems that could hinder an academic study abroad.

 Applicants currently working in public sector, private sector and NGOs, and applicants currently working in universities as academic or administrative staff or studying as senior or graduate (master or Phd) students, and who would like to specialise in the EU Acquis may apply to the Programme. 

How to apply