Water Management

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Learn to come up with responsible strategies for the management of water resources and climate change adaptation.

Water is a key element for sustainable development, serving as a vital resource for all life on Earth. People need water, food production needs water, and the UN estimates that three out of four jobs worldwide are dependent on water. Growing populations, climate change, and environmental degradation have made water management a critical issue for sustainable development and climate change adaptation. So what does it take to safeguard sustainability and resilience of water resources and water supply? How can you deal with challenges of water scarcity (droughts), water excess (floods) and poor water quality (availability and pollution)? The specialisation in Water Management will help you understand the relations between the water chain, human activities and climate change, and come up with responsible strategies for the management of water resources and climate change adaptation.

Dr. Kris Lulofs, associate professor and specialisation coordinator Water Management

“This management programme focuses on the interconnections between society and the biophysical water resources while aiming at safeguarding and responsible use of those resources. We elaborate on both societal and technological strategies and solutions, though this specialisation does not focus upon engineering and hydrological modelling.”

Dr. Kris Lulofs, associate professor and specialisation coordinator Water Management

What is water management?

Good water governance starts with understanding the hydrological cycle, and how the water system has become unbalanced over the past decades. In this specialisation, you will explore how people (individuals, industries, governments) use and dispose of water resources, and how this affects the sustainability and resilience of water resources. This includes getting a comprehensible overview of (the needs of) the various stakeholders involved in water use and their impacts on the water resources, as well as how this is organised: who is in charge and who is not? This will enable you to come up with implications for the improvement of the governance of water resources, focusing on strategies, plans, measures, and instruments.

Research topics you can focus on within this specialisation:
  • Assessing and developing strategies, plans and measures for reducing the water footprint of households, industrial sectors, or agriculture.
  • Improving policies that promote Green and Blue Infrastructure as an integral part of urban and rural spatial development
  • Analysing the challenges related to the reuse of wastewater in agriculture

The course Water Management will provide you with fundamental knowledge in the domain of water and will be followed by all MEEM students. If this field has caught your interest and you choose the specialisation in Water Management, you will delve deeper into interesting cases regarding water governance, covering international topics in both the global north and global south on many levels (from a local to a global perspective). From approaches to diminishing flood risks in specific regions in Indonesia to finding ways to improve water quality in the Netherlands (related to pollutants such as microplastics and pharmaceutical residues) and from improving the availability of drink water in the global south to tackling the plastic soup in our oceans: you will find out how to address water challenges from a governance perspective.

What will you learn?

As a graduate of this Master’s and this specialisation, you have acquired specific, scientific knowledge, skills and values, which you can put to good use in your future job.

  • Knowledge

    After completing this Master’s specialisation, you:

    • understand the key concepts and theories of water management, water resources and water services;
    • know about facts, trends, challenges and risks involved in reaching out for sustainable water resources as well as safe and affordable water supply;
    • have knowledge of water-related topics and innovative solutions in urban and rural settings and their management and governance.
  • Skills

    After successfully finishing this Master’s specialisation, you:

    • can assess water resources and water supply in various contexts, its governance and management, and the potential for innovation and transition;
    • are able to develop and apply strategies, plans, measures and instruments for improving the management of contemporary water trends, risks and challenges in times of climate change;
    • can contribute to responsible solutions in urban and rural settings by integrated assessment of the complexity in cross-sectoral systems and their interrelatedness with water resources and water services.
  • Values

    After completing this Master’s specialisation, you:

    • have the ambition to contribute to responsible, inclusive and fair solutions in water management;
    • show commitment to aligning short term actions to long term outlooks on sustainable and resilient water resources;
    • have a critical attitude upon personal 21st century skills as needed to work in transdisciplinary teams upon water problems, risks and challenges.

Other master’s and specialisations

Is this specialisation not exactly what you are looking for? Maybe one of the other specialisations suits you better. Or find out more about these other Master’s:

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