Graduation and Research

After your internship you will work on a master’s assignment in the field of Mathematical Systems Theory, Applied Analysis and Computational Science (SACS). The choice of your specific graduation subject will be largely up to you. For example, you may want to contribute to the formulation of theories involving mathematical models, or look for an algorithm or model that can help you to answer your research question. Should the required algorithm or model not be readily available, you may want to consider developing it yourself.

Examples of actual research questions include:
  • How to determine the optimum intervention moment when dealing with patients suffering from a certain syndrome?
  • What does it take for a car to run independently?
  • Can you mathematically model neurological processes in such a way that you can predict brain responses?
  • How to apply deep learning methods to improve cancer imaging?
  • How to make modelling or light more accurate using photonic crystals?
  • How to model and simulate the installation of gas or oil pipelines on the ocean's bottom?

Join a Research group

Research and education for this specialisation are organised by four research groups. At the start of the master’s, you will choose one in which you will work as a junior researcher. From this research group a mentor will be assigned to you to guide you through important decisions such as compiling the perfect set of courses and deciding on an internship. The research groups participating in this specialisation are:

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