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Eligibility check for international students

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One of the steps in the application process is to fill in the eligibility check

The eligibility check is created for students with an international bachelor's degree. If you have completed your bachelor's degree at an accredited institution in the Netherlands, you do not have to complete the check.

Start the eligibility check

An eligibility check is an online tool that gives you personal advice about your eligibility for the master's of your choice. The check takes about five minutes and gives you an indication of your chances of being admitted. 

Select a master's to start an eligibility check and get personal advice

Do you have Belarussian, Iranian or Russian nationality?

In the Netherlands, there may be restrictions regarding dual-use technology for students from Belarus, Iran and the Russian Federation due to international sanction measures. We would like to make sure you are aware of this, as this may influence your learning path at UT. The sanctions prohibit technical assistance and knowledge transfer in relation to dual-use technology as specified in European legislation.

What to do with the outcome?

After completing the eligibility check, you will receive personal advice in your mailbox on whether or not you are eligible for the chosen master's and specialisation. Depending on the outcome, you are advised to continue your application or, if you are not directly admissible, to follow specific courses.

If we recommend you continue the application procedure in Osiris, enter the eligibility check code you received together with the personal advice. Please note that the eligibility check is not an official admission procedure, no rights can be derived from the outcome. 

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