Study overview Bsc Industrial Engineering & Management

On successful completion of the programme, you can title yourself a Bachelor of Science (BSc).

Modules Industrial Engineering & Management

During this three-year Bachelor's in Industrial Engineering & Management, you will follow twelve modules: four modules per year. Each module covers a theme and brings together all the main aspects of your studies: theory and practice, research and solution design, self-study and teamwork. A fixed component of each module is the team project, in which you and your teammates apply the knowledge you have gained to a current challenge and design a viable solution. 

  • Year 1EC
    • Module 1 | Intro to Industrial Engineering & Management15

      In the first module, you will familiarise yourself with the field of IEM by doing a team project. Our first-year students from the Business & IT programme will join you for this module.

    • Module 2 | Operations management15

      In the second module, you will learn how to organise business processes efficiently. In the team project, you will work for Diversey, a specialist in professional hygiene and cleaning solutions. You might, for example, design a new production line, or work on improving stock height and warehouse layout.

    • Module 3 | Business and Process Analytics15

      During this module you will learn how to extract and analyse information from the IT systems of companies or organisations, together with our Business & IT students. What data, information, and knowledge are needed for a business process? What hardware, software, networks, functions, and databases do you need for good business management? In this module you will create an interface yourself for making your company results visible at a glance.

    • Module 4 | Supply chain management15

      In module 4 you will learn how companies organise supply chains and how you can tackle problems in these chains. For your team project you will use serious gaming to set up a distribution network yourself. This will include things like calculating where and how much stock should be stored and how best to transport your products.

  • Year 2EC
    • Module 5 | Finance for engineers15

      In module 5 you will learn all about financial flows in companies, how to calculate cost price and how to manage risks. How do you compose an annual report? How much investment is needed for a new production technique, and how long is the payback period? Can you release extra money by issuing shares? In this module, you will be taking these kinds of questions into consideration. You’ll also delve into the issue of option pricing.

    • Module 6 | Consumer products15

      This is the first module that centres more on products than on processes. You will learn all about (mass) product design, production techniques, and marketing. In this module, we collaborate with production companies. For your project, you will form a multidisciplinary team with students of Industrial Design Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. Together you will design and manufacture a new product, taking into account the sustainability of the supply chain and the product. You will conduct market research, make prototypes, set up the required business processes, select the right production techniques, and present your product.

    • Module 7 | From product design to online business15

      n module 7 you will explore what is involved in starting up a company that sells products online. You will once again apply the knowledge you’ve acquired in a multidisciplinary team with Business & IT students. Together you will design your own product and set up an online company to sell it. 

    • Module 8 | Modelling & Analysis of Stochastic Processes15

      This module has a very mathematical and practical character. You will learn how to improve processes that are difficult to predict due to uncertain factors, by modelling and performing computer simulations. In the project, you will work on a case in the healthcare sector. 

  • Year 3EC
    • Modules 9&10 | Electives30

      In the elective space you have different options:

      You can take modules in other disciplines at the University of Twente or at other universities. Anything is possible, from physics to psychology.

      At the UT you can take one of our so-called High Tech Human Touch minors, for example, New Technology Business Development, Governance of Innovation and Socio-Technical Change, From Prototype to Society, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity, or Aerospace Management & Operations.

      The crossing borders module prepares you for working and operating in an international setting, both in the public sector as well as in business. It also enables you to gain plenty of international experience.

      You can study abroad, we strongly encourage our students to gain experience abroad during their Bachelor’s programme. We have partner universities in numerous European countries as well as further abroad, such as in Mexico, Australia, Indonesia, and Taiwan. The number of partners we collaborate with is constantly growing – which means your options are too. 

    • Module 11 | Preparation graduation15

      In this module you will prepare yourself for carrying out your individual graduation research project. You will write a research plan and discuss it with us. You will then begin collecting data and considering the ethical sides to it. The aim is to get yourself properly prepared in this module, so that you can start your graduation project immediately in the last quartile of this year.

    • Module 12 | Bachelor's assignment15

      The final part of this Bachelor’s programme, your graduation project, is your opportunity to show your worth by applying everything you have learned in the three previous years. Many of our students carry out their graduation research project at an external organisation here in the Netherlands or abroad. For example, one of our students calculated how police helicopters can best be deployed – a solution that attracted a lot of national attention. You can also connect to ongoing research at UT. 

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Are you curious about the courses you take in Industrial Engineering & Management? You can download the complete list. Keep in mind that the courses for 2025-2026 can be slightly different. 

What is the Bachelor's in Industrial Engineering Management like?

In this video, student Roosmarijn takes you along and shows you what it is like to study Industrial Engineering Management!

Expectations of the programme

Sometimes students come to our programme with an incomplete picture of the content. In some cases, this led to an unpleasant experience for them. So to avoid this we have created a tool to help you decide -for yourself- whether the picture you have of our programme is correct. 

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First time at university

When you are a first-year student, you experience many new things. Here we start explaining at least a few of them.

  • You complete modules

    During your three-year bachelor's programme, you will take 12 modules (4 modules per year). Each module, you will address a theme that is hot in society, business or industry. This theme will bring together all the components of your study: theory and practice, research, designing solutions, self-study and teamwork.

    A fixed part of every module is the team project, in which you and your teammates apply the knowledge you have acquired to a current challenge and design a workable solution. This learning method is part of the Twente Education Model (TOM): an innovative approach to studying that you will only find at the University of Twente.

    • First year
    • Second year
    • Third year
  • Study points - how do they work?

    Student workload at Dutch universities is expressed in EC, also named ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), which is widely used throughout the European Union. In the Netherlands, each credit represents 28 hours of work. You need to acquire 60 credits each year.

    Your programme assigns fixed numbers of hours to each assignment, project report or exam. In the first year, you need to get at least 45 out of 60 points to be able to continue to the second year.

  • Did you get 45 EC or more? Then you can enter the second year

    Our aim is to get you in the right place as soon as possible, which is why we use the principle of a binding recommendation. You will receive a positive recommendation if you have obtained 45 or more of the 60 EC in the first year. A negative recommendation is binding and means you have to leave the programme. Under certain circumstances, we may give you a positive recommendation despite a low score. For example, if we are confident that you are in the right place.

    Do personal circumstances such as illness or problems interfere with your study performance? Student Affairs Coaching & Counselling (SACC) is there to support you. 

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