Admission requirements Civil Engineering

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Have you decided to sign up for the Bachelor’s programme Civil Engineering at the University of Twente? First, sign up via Studielink. Check the admission requirements below to be sure that your application will succeed. 

What diploma did you get?

  • International diploma

    You are admissible if you have an international secondary school diploma equivalent to the Dutch vwo diploma: good A-level results or International Baccalaureate with good grades in:

    • Advanced mathematics ('Wiskunde B')
    • Physics ('Natuurkunde)

    Please check your country of origin if your diploma matches these requirements. You can even apply even though you have not completed your diploma yet.

    Foundation year

    Are you an upcoming, international student and is your secondary education not comparable to the Dutch VWO-diploma? And would you like to take this study programme? The University of Twente offers you the possibility to take a foundation year after which you will be admissible.

    You also need a high level of English proficiency, as this programme is entirely English-taught. Check the language requirements

  • German Abitur

    For detailed information on admittance with a German Abitur diploma, please check the admission requirements for this study programme.

  • Dutch diploma (vwo)

    You will be admitted to the Bachelor's programme if you possess a Dutch vwo-diploma with the profile:

    • 'Natuur & Techniek'
    • 'Natuur & Gezondheid' with 'Wiskunde B' (advanced mathematics) and 'Natuurkunde' (physics)
    • 'Economie & Maatschappij' with 'Wiskunde B' (advanced mathematics) and 'Natuurkunde' (physics)
    • 'Cultuur & Maatschappij' with 'Wiskunde B' (advanced mathematics) and 'Natuurkunde' (physics)
  • Dutch hbo-diploma

    If you have successfully completed your studies in a relevant subject at a university of applied sciences (Dutch HBO), you are also welcome to join this programme. We will first check whether your educational background fits well with this study programme. In any case, certificates/diplomas in these courses are required:

    • 'Wiskunde B' (advanced mathematics) at Dutch vwo-level
    • 'Natuurkunde' (physics) at Dutch vwo-level

    Would you like to follow a master's programme after graduating from a university of applied sciences (Dutch HBO) Find out more about the conditions for admission with an HBO diploma

Level of English

As the programme is entirely English-taught, you have to meet the English language requirement. You need to upload the required documents as proof of your English language proficiency, before the application deadlineIf you are an international student, you can check the language requirement on our webpage

If you hold a Dutch VWO-diploma, then you meet the language proficiency requirements.

Questions regarding this study or its admission requirements?

Good knowledge of mathematics and physics

Mathematics and physics are an indispensable part of all science programmes. The better you are at mathematics and physics, the more likely you are to succeed in the Civil Engineering programme. But the real key to success is that you take studying seriously, are motivated and study regularly.

Arrange your application via Studielink
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You can sign up from October onwards.
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