AI Hackathon


Do pupils or students feel they get too little feedback? Would you like to do more with peer feedback? Or wouldn't it be nice if certain tests were automatically provided with feedback? Maybe Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help you solve your feedback problems!

The annual Hackathon AI in Education, held from 8 to 10 November 2023, brought together 11 teams to explore AI solutions for educational challenges. Organised by the AID-E network, this event marked its second year. Teams attended keynotes and collaborated at the DesignLab. Each team tackled unique educational problems, showcasing diverse perspectives and skills. 


The Hackathon is organised by the University of Twente in collaboration with AID-E networkCELTLISAPre-UPro-UTELTvakgroep CODE & vakgroep ELAN.  Special thanks to our sponsors CEE and DSI for their generous support! CEE & DSI!

This hackaton is organized within the proeftuin AI, which has been designed by the "zone faciliteren en professionaliseren" from the Versnellingsplan Onderwijsinnovatie with ICT.


In 2024, Pro-University will host another AI hackathon. For more information, please visit their event page.