Connect and Relate

Celebrate co-speculation! By you and the crew

Explore status quo

  • What: A Connect and Relate exercise, to understand perspectives and values
  • Goal: Gain deeper understanding on societal challenge
  • Duration: 30 mins


Gain a deeper understanding on the societal challenge by reflecting on the existing rationales governing experiences, practices,or/and policies.

How it works

When thinking of the societal challenge you would like to address:

  1. Brainstorm stakeholders - Focus on 4-5 important stakeholders. Incorporate various actors from the quintuple helix
  2. Think of tensions and complementarities (among actors) -keeping it at the value level-
  3. Think of different levels (i.e. micro (experiences), meso (practices), macro (policies))
Tip(s) for moderator

Talking about 'rationales' can be quite abstract. Use the list of values if participants are stuck. Ask questions like: do you perceive that any of these values are influencing what is going on in relation to the challenge?


Formulation of main rationale and discourse around a societal challenge and understanding its influence at micro, meso and macro levels.


Next step(s)

Exploring alternative rationales, part of 'Understand and Frame'.


Other methods and tools to 'Connect and Relate':