UTDesignLabResponsible FuturingToolbox 1.04 - Futures wheel: Identify stakeholders

Connect and Relate

Celebrate co-speculation! By you and the crew

FUTURES WHEEL: Identify stakeholders

  • What: A Connect and Relate exercise, to understand perspectives and values
  • Goal: Identify actors that have influence and those being affected by change
  • Duration: 20-30 mins


In need to brainstorm about involved stakeholders as part of the societal challenge at hand? Consider using the Futures Wheel. The Futures Wheel is a tool used to brainstorm the direct and indirect impacts of a specific trend or signal of change (or the challenge at hand). Understanding the impacts of any ongoing development helps to identify the actors that have power and influence, and those who will be affected by the development.

How it works

  1. Place a specific development in the center of the Futures Wheel (i.e. AI in art and education, COVID-19 pandemic).
  2. Think of the direct and indirect impacts of that development and populate the Futures Wheel.
  3. Looking at the Futures Wheel and the impacts you have identified, brainstorm stakeholders that will be influenced by these impacts or have power to change how the future might evolve.
  4. Plot those stakeholders in a stakeholder map.


An overview of involved stakeholders based on brainstorming the impacts of the development.




Other methods and tools to 'Connect and Relate':