Connect and Relate

Celebrate co-speculation! By you and the crew

storytelling archetypes

  • What: A Connect and Relate exercise, to understand perspectives and values
  • Goal: Reflect on own values while addressing the challenge
  • Duration: 15-30 mins


Since co-shaping the future is an active task, this exercise encourages participants to reflect on their own values while addressing the challenge, and the active role they would like to play. Shaping futures is similar to 'choose your own adventure' so using storytelling archetypes is an inspiring and fun activity.

How it works

Individually (5 mins)

When you think about addressing the societal challenge, choose the archetype that you most identify with based on your personal values:

Share with your group (10 mins)

Tip(s) for moderator

Storytelling archetypes are very well known in literature and the field of 'narratology'. Here we give a list of examples, but feel free to include other archtypes or encourage participants to create their own.





Other methods and tools to 'Connect and Relate':