UTDesignLabResponsible FuturingToolbox 1.06 - Your experience 'garden'

Connect and Relate

Celebrate co-speculation! By you and the crew

your experience 'garden'

  • What: A Connect and Relate exercise, to understand perspectives and values
  • Goal: Get to know each other
  • Duration: 30 mins


When working on transdisciplinary teams, you can learn a lot from each others' experiences in relation to the challenge. Get to know each other.

How it works

Individual reflection (create your own 'garden') and think of answers to these questions (10 mins):

  1. What are your experiences with the societal challenge?
  2. What are the barriers preventing progress towards addressing the challenge?
  3. What are the tools and resources that are available to address the challenge, in your opinion?

Share with others and discuss (20 mins).

Tip(s) for moderator

Imagine a garden in the middle of a community. The garden represents the societal challenge you're exploring.

  • The first question asks participants to examine the soil of the garden, representing their personal experiences and connections to the challenge.
  • The second question asks participants to identify the weeds and pests that are harming the garden, which may represent the barriers preventing progress towards addressing the challenge.
  • The third question asks participants to consider the different tools and resources that are available to tend to the garden and promote growth and success.

By using this metaphor, participants can visualise and explore the different dimensions of the societal challenge they're exploring, from its personal roots to the resources and tools that can be used to address it. The garden metaphor encourages participants to think about the challenge as something that can be nurtured and tended to, rather than overcome through brute force or dominance. It also allows participants to consider the different types of resources and support that are needed to address the challenge, whether they be financial, social, or environmental. Overall, the garden metaphor encourages collaboration, creativity, and a sense of responsibility among the group.

Tip(s) for moderator

Ask participants to use post-its and populate the garden together.


Understanding of perspectives and experiences of other session participants.

Next step(s)

What brought us here?, part of 'Understand and Frame'.


Other methods and tools to 'Connect and Relate'