UTDesignLabResponsible FuturingToolbox 1.02 - Understanding values and perspectives

Connect and Relate

Celebrate co-speculation! By you and the crew

understanding values and perspectives

  • What: A Connect and Relate exercise, to understand perspectives and values
  • When: Introduction at the start of a Responsible Futuring trajectory  
  • Goal: Get to know your team in a way that is also relevant for the project
  • People: 4 to 20 
  • Duration: 15-30 mins 


When you introduce yourself, you often do so by mentioning your name and sharing something about your work, for example. In this value mapping exercise, you quickly get to know yourself and teammates in a meaningful way by telling something about what you think is important in the context of the social issue for which you have come together.

How it works

  1. Think about what is important to you in the context of the topic of the social issue?
  2. Choose or think of 2 important values. For example, use the list of sample values.
  3. Share with others why you chose these values and what they mean to you.
  4. Listen to each other, do not judge or try to convince others of your perspective. This is about gaining insights into each other's perspectives while respecting possible differences and similarities.


You become aware of what is important to you and others in the context of the topic or societal challenge.


Next step(s)

Map out which stakeholders are involved in the challenge and use the stakeholder map. Do they already participate? Then discuss and explore the differences and similarities between the values of the ones involved, by using the 'understanding values and perspectives' exercise on this page.


Other methods and tools to 'Connect and Relate':