UTDesignLabDesignLab AcademyWorkshop Towards a Circular Society

1-day workshop

Responsible Futuring In 1 Day - towards a circular society | 16 September 2024

We are offering this one day workshop free of charge, but there only a few spots available. You can fill in the sign up form and let us know why you want to participate.

Moving towards sustainable and circular practices is a complex but needed challenge. This shift requires navigating a complex multi-stakeholder process dealing with different interdependencies and values at stake. In this workshop, you will gain hands-on experiences on Responsible Futuring to embrace transdisciplinary and futures-oriented approaches while shaping sustainable futures.

During this workshop, you will:

For whom?

We welcome participants with varying levels of knowledge on circular or design. We encourage participants from diverse professional and personal backgrounds to join the workshop to facilitate a learning experience as transdisciplinary as possible.  Whether you are a professional in the packaging industry, a policy-maker, an artist, or a consumer passionate about circular practices, we invite you to be a part of this masterclass.


  • Onboarding

    Become acquainted with the principles of circular economy, reflect personal learning goals, get to the teachers and your fellow participants.

  • Introduction to circular economy principles

    Map out the different stakeholders, their values, world views and perspectives regarding the societal challenge.

  • Connect and Relate

    Value-based exploration of stakeholders and their associated perspectives.

  • Lunch and inspiration tour of DesignLab

    as an ecosystem for transdisciplinary collaboration to jointly shape the future we want to live in.

  • Understand and Frame

    Reframe the challenge based on a systemic understanding of the context.

  • Imagine and Ideate

    Imagine potential futures to identify opportunities and derive lessons.

  • Reflect and Reframe

    Elaborate on actions in the present to achieve desirable futures.

Speakers and trainers

  • dr.ir. J. Matos Castaño (Julieta)

    Julieta Matos Castaño is a futures researcher and project lead at DesignLab University of Twente. Her expertise lies in developing and experimenting with creative methods to tackle societal challenges and work towards responsible innovation. Being an airport planner and having worked as a change management consultant, Julieta has a transdisciplinary profile that allows her to put her research efforts into practice. She uses her more than 14 years of research and industry experience to collaborate with public institutions, businesses and citizens to co-shape desirable futures. The work of Julieta and her colleagues has been featured at the Dutch Design Week in the last years. She is a Faculty Innovation Fellow at Stanford’s d.school and co-founder of the Speculative Futures Chapter in The Hague (The Netherlands).

  • dr. S. Damberg (Svenja)

    Svenja Damberg is an Assistant Professor within Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management and a research fellow at DesignLab University of Twente in The Netherlands. Svenja’s expertise lies in understanding the mechanisms behind sustainability transitions with a focus on consumer and organisational behavior based on empirical evidence. Her passion lies in building the bridge between research and practice regarding tackling sustainability challenges. In her prior job as a postdoctoral researcher, she was involved in a third-party funded project on sustainable regional development with the goal of engaging regional stakeholders in circular initiatives. Svenja further closely collaborates with companies in co-organizing workshops, including design thinking approaches for circular product development. She is a Faculty Innovation Fellow Candidate at Stanford’s d.school in the 2024 cohort.

  • ir. M. Huinink (Maartje)

    Maartje Huinink is the moderator for Responsible Futuring. At DesignLab University of Twente she works as a trainer for DesignLab Academy and helps develop the Responsible Futuring approach for innovation. In addition to her work for DesignLab, she helps organizations with change and innovation processes. As an innovation facilitator, she deploys design tools and creative techniques to connect people, insights and ideas to build support for innovation.

Practical Information

  • When: 16 September 2024
  • Duration: 1 day from 09.00 – 17.00 
  • Location: DesignLab University of Twente
  • Price: We are offering this workshop free of charge. Let us know why you want to participate and maybe you will be selected to join!
  • Group size: 8-20 participants
  • Language: Standard language is Dutch. Some of the instruction is in English.
  • Certification: Afterwards you will receive a certificate of participation.

Sign up

Are you curious about what the future holds for us? Do you want to learn from people you wouldn't normally encounter? And do you feel like learning together about the future to inform our actions today? 

Responsible Futuring in 1 day
Sign up now