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Current real estate projects

At this time the following real estate projects are underway on the University of Twente campus. For further information about the University of Twente's long-term strategic spatial plan, please visit utwente.nl/ltsh.

Living Innovation Lab (LILa)

LILa will function as a research, innovation and education lab to enable experimentation and support the development of new skills for both students, researchers and professionals. Local communities and industrial partners will help connect this lab to the larger global ecosystems in which the UT collaborates.

The current design of the LILa site accommodates more than twenty transdisciplinary experimental sections both above and below ground, where work will be carried out on both scientific and societal challenges. Involving scientists from multiple faculties, these experiments cluster around different types of expertise.


The philosophy behind LILa is to establish a lab that not only provides a semi-controlled setting for observation, monitoring, and experimentation but also support training and education. Vocational schools, university students, and practitioners can use the site for training and development. 

The Living Innovation Lab is a joint initiative of the faculty of Engineering Technology (ET) and Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC). The LILa is funded by the abovementioned faculties as well as external parties. After its completion, we hope to be able to accommodate a wider audience and include LILa as a key facility in our education, research and future research proposals.

Kop Langezijds

This building is attached to Langezijds and is of multifunctional use to the UT community. How the building will be put to use is still subject of discussion.

ontwerp buitenkant gebouw Kop Langezijdsimpressie interieur gebouw Kop Langezijdsgebouw Kop Langezijds

Renovation Water Sports Complex 

As part of the sports and culture master plan, which aims to maintain and, where necessary, upgrade the campus facilities for sports and culture, it was indicated earlier this year that, among other things, the water sports complex would be renovated. A programme of requirements was worked on before the summer and a final design has now been drawn up.

It is expected that construction can start after the summer of 2024 and the water sports complex will be ready in mid-2025.


The CUBE is a new multifunctional workplace for the Engineering Technology faculty. CUBE consists of over 4,500m2 of space for education and replaces the current workshops in the Hangar and the Westhorst. The Cube breathes Engineering Technology. Upon entering, you look out over the 6-meter high metal and welding workshop. The floor is more than a meter sunk below ground level and you have a view of the entire space. Downstairs, teachers, students and researchers work on research and projects, outside you can see the landscape and above you there is an overhead crane. On the first floor, mainly objects are made with machines. On the second floor, assembly takes place, as well as model development. The second floor is set up for practical teaching. The CUBE is located between the Noordhorst and Kleinhorst. Construction will be completed in the second half of 2024. It will be a fantastic study and work environment and is a huge asset to ET and the UT campus.


The building conforms to environmental factors and "moves with" the sun and temperature rhythms of the days and seasons and requires little heating. The cool northeast and west facades face the environment and are transparent. The southeast and west facades are more closed to prevent heating. The wide nave with workshops and labs faces the transparent facade for maximum daylight. The narrower nave - which does not require daylight - on the more closed side.

The recessed workshop floor not only gives a unique appearance, it is also a sustainable choice. It reduces vibrations throughout the building and positively affects the indoor climate, due to the constant temperature (10 degrees) of the floor. The depth of 1.4 meters is optimal to take advantage of the benefits, without the drawbacks of groundwater problems, execution complexity and associated costs.


Interior CUBE
Exterior CUBE

Renovation Boerderij Bosch and Stall and Expansion log cabins


The Log Cabins, which are currently used by various groups, are also rented to students who are following a VU-UT bachelor's programme in Mechanical Engineering at VU Amsterdam. These students regularly come to campus for project education, among other things. More VU-UT bachelor's programmes will be launched in the coming years, including Creative Technology, which has been started in academic year 2023/2024. This means that more students will need temporary accommodation on campus. Two additional Log Cabins will be built, providing approximately 30 sleeping places.


The Stall, which is currently mainly used for informal gatherings and parties, is being converted into a multifunctional meeting space. After the renovation, this is a suitable space for the VU-UT students to spend time when they do not have any educational activities. The furniture on the ground floor of the Stall will be robust and easily removable, making it relatively easy to use the space to host an informal gathering or party.


Boerderij Bosch, which serves as the home base of staff association 'UT Kring' and the pensioners' association 'Gewis', has been in need of renovation for some time. This, together with the Stall and the Log Cabins, will be included in the redevelopment of the entire area. Boerderij Bosch thus remains the home base of UT Kring and Gewis. The two associations are and remain involved in making the renewal plans. Boerderij Bosch can also be reserved for drinks and parties when it is not in use.