Because the modules are structured like large units, it is important that students receive regular feedback on their progress during those ten weeks. This is done through e.g. formative diagnostic tests, meetings with the tutor or feedback from teachers or fellow students.
Educational consultants of the Centre of Expertise for Learning and Teaching can help teachers and programme management staff develop testing plans. Visit their website for more information:
Integrated assessment
In some cases, this even results in a strongly integrated module with only one grade: the grade achieved for an integrated final test during which all content is assessed at once. This is possible because students receive regular feedback throughout the module, without being graded. This is comparable to the assessment of a final thesis assignment: the student receives only one final grade for the entire process, while the various units actually compensate for each other.
Intermediate tests
Offering small tests during the module is also possible. These small tests don't need to be obligatory. For example, the teacher could offer a test every two weeks on the material that was discussed. With this test, various subjects are assessed in combined questions. When these tests build on each other (cumulative), they can easily compensate for each other: if a student has gained additional knowledge over the next two weeks and now has a good understanding of the subject matter, a first fail can be compensated for.
Repairing a module
In a module, the students cannot “automatically go for the resit”. Students who narrowly fail the module at the first try (with an average final grade between 5 and 5.5) are discussed during a module meeting at the end of the module. During this meeting, the module team decides on the additional assessment or repair the student is required to do. If decided (during a module meeting at the end of the module) that repairs are required, these can of course no longer take place during the module itself. This repair then takes place during the next module. In case of any doubt or force majeure, the examination board can decide on additional supplements outside the original testing plan on a per-case basis.
It is recommended to schedule a repair day on the Thursday and Friday in week 10 of the following module. Students who are not required to do any repairs have those days off. The repair day for module 4 takes place during the summer.
Example of compensatory tests
To prevent students from completing the programme even though they do not have sufficient understanding of one particular subject, it is possible to decide to raise the module requirements.
For example: all tests have to be completed with a passing grade. However, this also prevents excellent students who may have suffered from a temporary blackout from acquiring the full 15 ECTS.
Another possibility is to set an additional requirement. For example: the module has to be completed with an average grade of 5.5, while one of the marks can be a fail grade. In order to prevent a negative binding recommendation on continuation of studies, students must have successfully completed three modules and no more than two marks are allowed to be a 5 or less.
Another option is to require that the average module grade is a 5.5, while all marks have to be at least a 5. For instance, if one of these marks is a 4.5, the module has not been successfully completed. However, if the student obtains a 7 in a later module with which the 4.5 can be compensated, the previous module will have been successfully completed retroactively. The 4.5 will continue to exist and will be listed on the diploma supplement. A student who does not want this has to retake the entire module during the next academic year.
These test and compensation rules are listed in the module’s test plan. These plans are listed in the Education and Examination Regulations (OER). The examination board can decide to make exceptions to these rules on a per-case basis.