UTFacultiesTNWEducationMaterials Science & Engineering

Materials Science & Engineering

The University of Twente is well-known and recognised in the field of Materials Science and engineering. 

Materials science research and development forms an important cornerstone in the improvement and development of new materials and processes. Advances in materials have paved the way for interesting and ground-breaking changes in many fields of science and technology. 

At the University of Twente, a large amount of top-level research and education in the field of materials science and engineering is available as part of different study and research programmes.  

Materials Science Education

Do you want to learn and work across disciplines within the field of materials science? Do you want to benefit from top facilities, such as the world-famous Nanolab and MESA+ institute? And do you want to learn from the best scientists in the field of materials science?

Then the multidisciplinary master programme Materials Science and Engineering might be the right fit for you. This programme has a strong emphasis on the development of materials science and engineering skills at the interface of chemistry, applied physics and mechanical engeering. This is where fundamental and more applied research meet. 

What is a multidisciplinary master programme?

A multidisciplinary master programme builds a bridge between two (or more) master's programmes and allows you to transcend disciplinary boundaries and completely immerse yourself in the research field of your interest. You follow a joint core programme, consisting of essential courses from all the master‘s programmes involved, and you complete your programme with electives to specialise further in the field of your choice.

Why Study Materials Science & Engineering?

  • Learn and work across disciplines

    Whether you have a background in Applied Physics, Chemical Science & Engineering or Mechanical Engineering, if you have an interest in the field of materials science and you do not want to limit yourself to one single discipline, Materials Science & Engineering is the right match for you.

    Here, fundamental and more applied research meet, allowing you to develop a broader understanding of the fundamental aspects of materials and the application of this knowledge in (industrially) relevant areas.

  • You have access to world-class research facilities

    The multidisciplinary master programme Materials Science & Engineering offers you access to world-class labs and state-of-the-art facilities, such as the world-renowned Nanolab and MESA+ Institute. An exciting research environment and the best academic training in the world are therefore guaranteed!

  • Work together with top researchers on real-life cases

    The University of Twente is a leader in the field of materials science & engineering. We offer a truly multidisciplinary environment in which you and your fellow students, together with junior and senior staff can develop in the rapidly developing research domain of materials science. Numerous world-class research groups are involved in the Materials Science & Engineering programme. You get the opportunity to work alongside our researchers and learn directly from them. 

    The following research clusters and departments are involved: 

  • You can tailor your own study programme

    Your study programme is not all fixed. There is quite some flexibility in composing a curriculum that meets your specific interests.

    Of course, you have to take a set of compulsory courses. What these compulsory courses are, depends on the Master’s programme you are enrolled in (Applied Physics, Chemical Science & Engineering or Mechanical Engineering).  

    In addition, you can choose from a wide range of specialisation and elective courses. In your second year, you will be doing a compulsory internship at a company or organisation outside the UT, providing you with some valuable work experience.

Prof.dr.ir Mark Huijben

We do research in order to provide the best possible education. In my own lessons, I often use examples from my own research, for example on the use of batteries or solar cells. I show my students things they understand, practical examples work best.

Prof.dr.ir Mark Huijben

Are You Admissible?

With a Bachelor’s in Applied Physics, Chemical Science & Engineering or Mechanical Engineering, you are generally directly admissible to this programme. You register for the Master that corresponds to your bachelor's degree. 

So: if you have a bachelor's degree in Applied Physics, you sign up for the Master Applied Physics. Upon enrolment, you opt for the multidisciplinary programme Materials Science & Engineering. 

Career Opportunities

With this multidisciplinary programme you will be an asset to all kinds of industries looking for experts at designing and developing new materials or products. UT alumni with a degree in Materials Science & Engineering currently work in various sectors, such as the chemical, metals, sustainable energy, water purification, cosmetics or pharmaceutical sector.

Continue as a Researcher: Obtain a PhD

Instead of pursuing a professional career in materials science and engineering right away after obtaining your master’s, you can opt to follow a PhD programme at Twente Graduate School (TGS). This involves spending four years studying a particular research area in-depth at one of our research institutes. Obtaining your PhD will earn you the title of Doctor (Dr).

Master's Programmes with Materials Science

View all programmes
  • Applied Physics

    Deepen your understanding of the laws of physics to find technical solutions in a wide range of areas such as IT, sustainability, healthcare, chip design, digitalisation, finance, space and more.
    4 SpecialisationsMSc2 yearsFull-time100% English

    Applied Nanophotonics

    In this specialisation you will immerse yourself in the field of optics and you will join us in leading research on photonic devices like microchips, sensors, and more.
    MSc2 yearsFull-time

    Materials Science

    In the specialisation Materials Science, you will study the fundamental principles of physics underlying the properties, structure and behaviour of new and cutting-edge materials.
    MSc2 yearsFull-time

    Physics of Fluids

    The specialisation in Physics of Fluids will deepen your understanding of the behaviour of fluids (moving liquids, gases, particles) and how you can control this.
    MSc2 yearsFull-time

    Quantum Physics

    In the specialisation Quantum Physics you will gain a profound understanding of quantum mechanics and discover its potential for our society.
    MSc2 yearsFull-time
  • Chemical Science & Engineering

    This Master’s will help you to develop novel chemical processes, materials and molecules and contribute to innovations that benefit our society in areas such as health, water, food and sustainability.
    3 SpecialisationsMSc2 yearsFull-time100% English

    Chemical & Process Engineering

    Turn into an expert process engineer, able to understand, develop and improve chemical processes in order to make the chemicals and green energy that are needed in a sustainable global society.
    MSc2 yearsFull-time100% English


    In this multidisciplinary specialisation, you will combine chemistry with physics and mechanical engineering to become an expert in the exciting and innovative field of materials engineering.
    MSc2 yearsFull-time100% English

    Molecules & Organic Materials

    Research and develop new materials and (bio)molecular structures to enable breakthroughs in areas such as medicine, energy, food and more.
    MSc2 yearsFull-time100% English
  • Mechanical Engineering

    Become an expert mechanical engineer that focuses on the futureproof design, analysis and maintenance of machinery, structures, products and production processes.
    7 SpecialisationsMSc2 yearsFull-time100% English


    The specialisation in Aeronautics will turn you into an expert in the development of new high-tech applications in which aerodynamics interact with acoustics, structures, and propulsion.
    MSc2 yearsFull-time

    Design & Manufacturing

    In this specialisation, you will gain a bigger understanding of design and production processes and manufacturing facilities as a whole, by focusing on their methodological design.
    MSc2 yearsFull-time

    Energy & Flow

    If you want to contribute to the development of sustainable energy systems, processes, and equipment with high performance, and minimal environmental impact, this specialisation is the right choice.
    MSc2 yearsFull-time

    High-Tech Systems & Materials

    This broad, yet profound specialisation will help you understand the behaviour of materials and systems to ensure optimal interaction and performance within products and manufacturing processes.
    MSc2 yearsFull-time

    Maintenance Engineering & Operations

    This specialisation will help you to come up with innovative solutions to improve the maintenance of machinery, structures and production facilities, to enhance performance of a system and company.
    MSc2 yearsFull-time100% English

    Personalised Health Technology

    If you want to build expertise in the domain of healthcare technology as a mechanical engineer, this specialisation is right for you.
    MSc2 yearsFull-time

    Smart & Sustainable Industry

    This specialisation focuses on the development, analysis, simulation and control of innovative and digitally-driven production systems.
    MSc2 yearsFull-time