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During your Master’s in Mechanical Engineering, you will collect a total of 120 EC within two years. You will follow (elective) courses related to the specialisation in Maintenance Engineering & Operations, do an internship and you will end your Master’s by writing your master’s thesis. What your curriculum will look like exactly, depends on the choices you make within this specialisation.

European Credit Transfer System

Student workload at Dutch universities is expressed in EC, also named ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), which is widely used throughout the European Union. In the Netherlands, each credit represents 28 hours of work.

Number of EC

Specialisation courses
You need to choose at least six of the specialisation courses.

30 EC

Elective courses

You can choose courses of the Master’s in Mechanical Engineering, but you can also choose (a maximum of three) courses offered by other programmes at UT. Of course, you can also choose more of the specialisation courses listed above.

30 EC

Examples of electives that perfectly fit this specialisation:


15 EC

In the first quartile of your second year, you will do an internship, as preparation for the professional field. If you are a student entering from a university of applied science (Dutch HBO), you will follow 15 EC master’s courses, instead of doing an internship.

Master’s thesis

45 EC

You will finish your Master’s in ME with your master’s thesis.

Total EC

120 EC

Do you want in-depth information about these courses?
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During your Master’s in Mechanical Engineering, you will gain practical experience by doing an internship for approximately three months. There are many options open to you when it comes to choosing your internship. Because of the broad knowledge you will gain in the specialisation in High-Tech Systems & Materials, the topics you can focus on within your internship are widely varied. If you are a student entering from a university of applied science (Dutch HBO), you will follow 15 EC master’s courses, instead of doing an internship.

Examples of internships our students took on:

Master's thesis

You will end your Master’s with your master’s thesis. You can either choose to complete your thesis at an external organisation or on an internal research-oriented topic. The choice of your specific graduation subject is largely up to you. There are many research areas you could focus on, such as large deformations, design and manufacturing of composites, design of precision mechanisms, system control, dynamics, computational mechanics, data analysis and machine learning, tribology and surface interaction and rubber technology. You will focus on researching and/or designing possible solutions that can improve people’s lives, whether it’s on an individual, social or societal level.

Your master’s thesis could involve undertaking projects such as:
  • Developing models for the prediction of wear and/or friction of railway track systems to optimise the Dutch railway system in terms of availability, reliability and safety.
  • Modelling flexible multibody dynamics of a flexible compact solar array for space applications.
  • Developing models to optimise the performance of the manufacturing process and/or forming process of high-strength steels as, for example, used in the automotive industry.
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