Courses & research

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In addition to the compulsory courses of the Master's in Health Sciences, you will follow additional courses within the specialisation in Optimisation of Healthcare Processes (OHP) and you will end your Master’s with your final master’s assignment. In total, you will collect 60 EC within one year.

European Credit Transfer System

Student workload at Dutch universities is expressed in EC, also named ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), widely used throughout the European Union. In the Netherlands, each credit represents 28 hours of work. The recognition of credits is at the discretion of your Master's.


Master’s courses
Compulsory for all students

15 EC

·        Health Economic Modelling
·        Stakeholder Preference Elicitation and Decision Support
·        Data Science

Specialisation courses
Compulsory for the specialisation OHP

15 EC

·        Optimising Healthcare Processes
·        Finance and Healthcare Purchasing
·        Quality Management in Healthcare

Master’s assignment

30 EC

You will finish your Master’s in Health Sciences with your master’s assignment.

Total EC

60 EC

Do you want in-depth information about these courses?
Get in touch with us
or meet online with a student and gain first-hand experience!

Master's thesis

You will complete your Master’s by writing your master’s thesis. The choice of your graduation subject is largely up to you. You could come up with your own proposal, or you could connect with ongoing research at UT. In your graduation project, you could even work together with students of other master’s programmes at UT (like Business Administration or Psychology), each of you examining a research topic from the perspective of your own discipline.

You can complete (part of) your graduation project at an external organisation as well, at hospitals like MST or Rijnstate, but also at mental health or home care institutions, to name some examples. This is a great way for you to combine your academic skills with hands-on experience!

Your master’s thesis could involve undertaking projects such as:
  • What is the (cost-)effectiveness of remote patient monitoring used in virtual care centres and how does this affect the quality of care?
  • How can healthcare organisations reduce the waste of medical supplies used in the operating room?
  • How does the operating room schedule affect the perceived work pressure in the units? What interventions in the operating room scheduling procedure can reduce perceived work pressure in the units?
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