ICT and campus facilities

IT facilities & user accounts 

Other IT facilities


There are student printers available in the main education buildings. You can use your student card for printing and recharge your card when all credits are used. For details see the UT service ABC about printing for students.

For posters and other (large) printed material the Xerox desk can assist you at their service desk in the Bastille and Carré buildings. For contact details and more information see the UT service ABC about printing/copying/Xerox.

Maintenance & failures

Our maintenance activities and failures of systems are announced on www.utwente.nl/en/status. This page is only available on the UT network. You should be on the UT or create a VPN connection to access this page.

Internet access

To arrange your internet connection, you need a student number and password to log in to computers in the UT library or in your faculty building or to set up a wireless internet connection on your laptop. UT uses the worldwide eduroam network for wireless internet. Eduroam covers the education buildings, on-campus housing accommodation and most other areas on campus. For information on how to connect to the eduroam network, see the eduroam information page. When visiting user universities you will automatically be connected to their eduroam network, too.


On campus bachelor's, master's and exchange students will receive their student number and password during the Kick-in Introduction Days. If you did not attend the introduction days, you can request your student number and password at the ICTS Service Desk. PhD students will receive their student number and password upon arrival through their faculty contact person. Students of the Faculty of ITC will be guided in arranging internet access by ITC Student Affairs upon arrival during registration.


  • SNT Help desk

    Studenten Net Twente (SNT) helps UT students connect to the internet on campus. For problems with (wireless) internet connection please contact SNT; their website provides manuals for setting up a (wireless) internet connection or VPN connection.


    Campus location: Horstring West 130
    Opening hours: Mon-Fri between 10:00 and 17:00

    T: +31 (0)53 489 3266
    E: helpdesk@snt.utwente.nl
    W: www.snt.utwente.nl

  • Service desk LISA

    For questions about web applications, UT software, passwords, eduroam and other general ICT questions, please contact the ICT service desk.


    Campus location: Horstring West 122
    Opening hours: Mon-Fri between 08:30 and 17:00

    T: +31 (0)53 489 5577
    E: icts.servicedesk@utwente.nl
    W: www.utwente.nl/icts/en/

  • Faculty ITC Help desk


All the education-related student facilities and links are provided below, such as booking a project room, timetables, or an internship abroad.

  • Student Affairs, Coaching & Counselling / Regulations

    Student Affairs Coaching & Counselling (SACC) offers information, advice or support in case you have questions concerning matters that occur during your study. SACC also has a list of UT regulations like the student charter

    The University of Twente was awarded the official Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) under the Erasmus+ programme (2014-2020). We also signed the Code of Conduct International Student in Dutch Higher Education.

  • Study and internship abroad

    An internship or just a few courses abroad require some preparation. Information is available on Study Abroad.

  • Timetables, year calendar and project room booking

    The planning & timetable website offers information related to schedules, the academic calendar, lecture hours/exam times and holidays.

  • Nationale Studentenenquete (National Student Survey - NSE)

    Every year students are asked to participate in the national student survey. UT has created a FAQ on this survey, see our NSE FAQ page.

  • Quality and participation

    For information about the quality of education and participation for students, have a look at 'About our education'.

Work & travel

You can find more information on travel insurance and vacancies through JobTeaser here.

  • Travel insurance

    The University of Twente has taken out group travel insurance for staff members and students who on the instructions of the faculty and/or department make a business trip (work and/or study on the instructions of UT) abroad. You can apply for insurance. Download the insurance information.

  • JobTeaser (vacancies and more)

    With our Career Service by JobTeaser, you'll get support with your job search. You can search for jobs, internships, side jobs, career events etc. Not only organisations from outside but also our study and student associations and other UT departments can post job offers or career-related activities. More information and the link to the JobTeaser system.

General campus facilities & leisure

Our campus has a lot of activities to offer, such as sports, culture, and shops. You can check them out below.

  • Sports centre

    From wall climbing to survival, from soccer to water polo, there is a variety of different sports to choose from. As a member of a sports club or as an individual athlete you can make use of the many sports fields located on Campus. The website of the sports centre has all information.

  • Vrijhof culture

    The Campus of the University of Twente is an important location for arts and events. Students and professional companies perform, give lectures, concerts, cabaret performances, dances, expositions and workshops. Cultural events are held in the Vrijhof, in the Open Air Theater and sometimes on the O&O square. The website of Vrijhof Culture has all information.

  • UnionCard

    Apply for the UnionCard. UT offers a large variety of sports and cultural activities, which you can get access to with the UnionCard. Via this application, you can order the card which can get linked with your student card. More information can be found on the website of the Student Union.

  • Student Union

    The Student Union is a large umbrella student organisation that aims at making the lives of the students more interesting and fun. They're in close contact with external parties and therefore, they regularly organise interesting and fun events for the students. 

  • UnionShop

    The UnionShop in the Bastille building sells UT merchandise like sweaters, shirts, pens, coffee mugs, etc. You can also order online using the UT webshop. The UnionShop also has readers for students, a Xeros printing service and more. The Student Union website has more information about the UnionShop

  • Mosque, meditation room and student chaplaincy

    These facilities are available in the Vrijhof building for all students. To check out all information, including opening hours, see the Student Services webpage about spirituality on campus.

  • International student associations

    The Student Union website contains a list of all student associations. There are associations by country, but also more general associations like the UT Muslim association or AIESEC, AEGEE and more. 

  • General campus facilities

    The UT campus has many facilities you would expect in a small village: a supermarket, a bar, a hairdresser and several restaurants. For an overview have a look at the campus facility page. You can also always have a look at our mensa menu

(Language) courses & talks

UT language centre

Improving your skills will help you perform better in your work or study. The UT Language Centre offers professional support in languages, communicative skills, academic writing, study and employability skills to staff and students at the University of Twente.

Studium Generale

Studium Generale offers lectures available for a broad audience, some of them in English. Check out the upcoming events!


But there are also other student facilities and useful links for you. Check out the library or get more information on organising an event or starting your own business.

  • Library

    The Library at the University of Twente offers students and employees all support needed for education and research. In the Vrijhof there is a big study area with computers and also meeting rooms. The Library gives you access to the (digital) collection and on the websites, you can find a variety of supporting services and information. Check out the Library website for an overview of all services or start the search for literature.

  • Financial support

    For general financial information like tuition fees see the website of the Student Services desk. Other financial funds and matters are listed on Student Affairs, Coaching & Counselling (SACC) website. 

  • Organising an event

    If you want to organise an event, there are a couple of rules and possibilities you should be aware of. They are listed on the website of Campus & Facility Management department (CFM). 

  • Entrepreneurship and start-up facilities

    UT offers more than just legal and financial support for students who want to start their own companies. Novel-T (located in the Gallery building on campus) organises many events that might be interesting for you. Get started at the start-up webpage.

  • RSI / CANS

    Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), also known by its abbreviation 'CANS' (Complaints of Arm, Neck and/or Shoulder) is one of the several work-related complaints that may cause health issues and decreased deployability. For more information, see UT service ABC on RSI prevention.

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