When you're applying for a semester of courses at the University of Twente, you can select:
- Bachelor course packages, so-called modules of 15 ECTS each, consisting of multiple components
- Master individual courses, differing in the number of ECTS per course. You can opt for an interdisciplinary exchange package (so-called HTHT-minors).
If you have any doubts about which courses or modules to enrol in as an exchange student (or about the other exchange possibilities), please contact our Departmental Exchange Coordinators.
Course selection
Bachelor students can only choose entire bachelor modules, no separate module components, and have to choose at least 1 module (15 ECTS credits) within the faculty of the exchange agreement (ask your exchange coordinator at home).
Master students can choose separate courses (or entire bachelor modules if desirable) and have to choose at least 60% of the courses within the faculty of the exchange agreement. Alternatively, you can choose one or two interdisciplinary package(s).
ECTS distribution
Each semester at the UT is divided into two 10-week blocks: Block A and Block B. It is crucial to evenly distribute the 30 ECTS credits between these two blocks, therefore allocating 15 ECTS credits to each block. It means the course distribution for each semester needs to be as follows:
- Bachelor students need to choose: Block A: minor of 15 ECTS, Block B: minor of 15 ECTS
- Master students need to choose: Block A: 3 courses of 5 ECTS each, Block B: 3 courses of 5 ECTS each
Information regarding the University of Twente educational system can be found on the following page.
All study programmes are offered within one of the following faculties:
- BMS - Behavioural, Management & Social Science
- EEMCS - Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science
- ET - Engineering Technology
- ITC - Geo-information Science and Earth Observation
- S&T - Science & Technology