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University College Twente (ATLAS)

The complex challenges we face in today’s globalised world ask for responsible and creative solutions. Will you be part of this next generation of problem-solvers?

Climate change, social inequality, global pandemics, data security and privacy, natural disasters, the spread of misinformation. The problems we face today are often complex, cross-border and always evolving. In order to address these, the world needs ambitious, creative and multidisciplinary experts who are able to oversee the bigger picture and think outside of the box. So, instead of focusing on one specific field of study, why not include multiple disciplines? University College Twente (UCT) offers you the opportunity to pursue your own interests and become a multi-skilled, open-minded, innovative and tech-savvy problem-solver, able to constantly adapt to new challenges of the future. How? At UCT, you will be able to shape your own curriculum and get the chance to follow courses from various bachelor's and master's offered at the University of Twente - from engineering to social science.  

Thanks to its unique and personal approach, University College Twente offers you more than a degree. You will be part of an inspiring, international and small-scale community of students and teachers from all over the world. Learning and living together on our beautiful campus, you work on real-life issues, with a special interest in how technology influences our society. As a UCT-student, you find yourself in the midst of the high-tech campus of the University of Twente, with ultra-modern labs and other facilities. Our technological approach to societal issues – we call it High Tech Human Touch  - is something that distinguishes us from many other University Colleges worldwide and is even unique in the Netherlands!

What is University College Twente (UCT)?

University College Twente is the Liberal Arts and Sciences college of the University of Twente. It offers a three-year, international Honours programme for motivated and ambitious students: the Bachelor’s in Technology and Liberal Arts and Sciences, or ATLAS in short. UCT is based on the American model of liberal education, which means you get the freedom to design your own study programme. As a student, you learn and live together with your fellow students - at UCT, you will benefit from guaranteed housing on campus. The programme is characterised by challenging encounters with important issues and its way of studying, rather than studying a specific course or field of study.

A day in the life of a University College student

Wondering what it's like at University College Twente? Robin gives you a glimpse into his student life.

Why study at University College Twente?

University College Twente is unique in many ways. Are you wondering if our programme fits you? Below, we’ve listed some reasons for you to join this challenging, exciting and slightly unusual programme.

  • Combine technology with social sciences

    What makes UCT stand out from many other University Colleges is the addition of ‘Technology’ to the programme. Traditionally, technology is not part of Liberal Arts and Sciences programmes. But at UCT, we firmly believe it should be. Because, in order to understand today’s world, you need to understand technology. Therefore, our bachelor's programme focuses on science, mathematics, engineering, social sciences and humanities. In fact, we are the only University College in the Netherlands – and one of the few in the world – that combines technology with social sciences and humanities!

  • Choose your own study path

    At UCT, you are in charge of your own learning and personal development. That’s why there’s no traditional, fixed structure to our programme. Our self-designed, self-directed learning concept means that you put together your own study programme, based on your personal interests and development. During the courses, you receive a lot of personal feedback. In addition, you work on challenge-based group projects and develop your own take on that challenge. It means that you decide what you want to learn and how you are going to do this. Our curriculum is a gateway to growth in a broader sense, rather than a predetermined study path.

  • Small-scale and highly personalised

    Growth is more than just studying. UCT does not just focus on transferring knowledge, but on developing personalities. Our programme is small-sized compared to other University Colleges – with approximately 1 teacher to every 16 students. Thanks to this small scale, there’s plenty of room for your personal development and our teachers are highly dedicated to guiding you personally. A lot of attention is paid to the development of skills that will benefit you throughout your entire life, such as presenting or analysing. Moreover, UCT is a community you will become part of, in which you learn, work and live together with students and teachers. You get offered on-campus housing for the first two years and will benefit from collaborative learning and new cultural experiences.

  • International approach

    UCT is aimed at you becoming a global citizen. The challenges we face today globally do not limit themselves to geographical and cultural borders. These challenges ask for cross-border solutions and as an ATLAS-student, you will become equipped to design such solutions. You work and learn together with many students and teachers from all over the world and in your third and last year, you even have the opportunity to spend a semester abroad. We have exchange programmes with many universities all over the world. How about a semester in the USA, Australia or Japan?

  • Exciting and exceptionally broad prospects after graduation

    One of the advantages of being a UCT graduate is the wide variety of options you have for your future career. With your degree, you will be able to join virtually every master's at the University of Twente, or countless other master's programmes throughout the world. You might continue with a Master’s in Climate Change in London, get a double degree in Digital Data Science in Milan and Berlin or eventually continue with a PhD in Sociology at the University of Oxford, to name some of the paths our graduates followed. Some of them even took a completely different path and started up their own company, or became inventors. The possibilities for your future career are virtually endless!

Pola, student UCT

The small but very strong community of diverse people makes the university experience one of a kind. People here are from many places in the world, have different past educational and personal backgrounds but the thing we have in common is that we care about the world and other people.

Pola, student UCT
Tycho, student at University College Twente

The freedom within the study programme gives you the chance to explore what you really like and where your talents lie.

Tycho, student at University College Twente

Programme overview

Top rated programme
Bachelor’s degree in Technology and Liberal Arts & Sciences
Certification: BSc
CROHO code
Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation
3 years
Full-time (no part-time programs possible)
Boerderijweg 1
7522 LV Enschede
The Netherlands
Does not apply for the programme
Numerus fixus
Does not apply for the programme

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