The University of Twente wants to be a sustainable organization: we want sustainability to be a precondition for everything we do. Not just when it comes to our research and education, but also in our daily operations. Together with our students, researchers, suppliers and other partners, the Sustainability, Energy & Environment (SEE) programme takes action to make this a reality. Quite often, these efforts and their results are not readily visible. Therefore, we have created a public-friendly version of the annual report of 2023. So are you curious about how our energy use is developing? Or what we do to strengthen biodiversity on campus and lower the amount of waste we produce? Then take a look at the Sustainability Highlights of 2023!
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About sustainability on campus
A sustainable organisation means working towards carbon neutrality, circularity, strengthening biodiversity and minimizing the impact of UT’s activities on the soil, air and water. As part of CFM, the SEE Programme was created to achieve sustainability in UT’s daily operations. As such, the SEE Programme manages and works on continually and structurally improving UT’s sustainability, energy and environmental performance. The SEE programme has set concrete goals tied to 10 themes, and together with many others in our organization, works to make changes to achieve them.