A hidden world beneath our feetSomething remarkable is happening beneath our feet. A world where fungal threads weave their way between clumps of soil, while springtails feed on decaying plant roots. Where eggs wait for the perfect moment to hatch. Where a beetle sinks its jaws into a slug, which, after desperate attempts to break free, finally surrenders.Read more
The truth about true bugsA shield on the back. A stiletto-like mouthpart with which they prick a plant or animal to suck fluids from it. Sounds impressive. These are remarkable, little creatures, with beautiful patterns and colours. Join us to explore the UT campus to get to know a few species and learn a little more about true bugs and their role in the ecosystem.Read more
A hidden world beneath our feet
The truth about true bugs
Mushrooms: magical and essential to the ecosystem
Saving water at the University of Twente: every drop counts
Bats on our campus: unknown makes unloved
Toads on our campus
New process creates ordered semiconductor material at room temperature
Fauna in the winter
Pinetum De Horstlanden: a hidden biodiversity gem on campus
First LEAF-accreditations for sustainable labs awarded at UT
Carp fishing: from hobby to caring for water quality
Capture biodiversity on campus : join our nature photography exhibition!