Many of today’s challenges require an interdisciplinary approach to create the best possible solutions. To take our responsibility as a university to educate future generations, we should further enhance our teaching and learning approaches with state-of-the-art tools and technologies. The Shaping Expert Group Innovation of Education (SEG IoE) was active from 2020 to 2022 and focused on the learning experiences of our students.
Facilitate and stimulate
The main goal of the SEG IoE, was to facilitate and stimulate the development and diffusion of educational innovations among the broad community of academics at University of Twente – with a specific focus on those areas that are important for realizing University of Twente’s Shaping 2030 vision.
Cornelise Vreman – de Olde: “International prominence in the field of CBL and LLL is our long-term ambition. We want to be the university that shows that if you are looking for solutions, the UT is the innovative institution where we can make things happen. With room for everyone who wants to work, learn and develop in science and education but also anywhere else within our organization.”
Focal areas
The SEG-IoE was active in different domains of education. An important example is the advice on the definition of Challenge-Based Learning, involving programme directors, teaching fellows, students, and (vice-) deans. The SEG-IoE also provided input in the development of a Life-Long Learning proposition at UT. With the termination of the SEG-IoE activities, this advisory/ sounding board function has disappeared.
Educational development at the UT
There are many educational developments at the University of Twente, we embrace the idea of connecting our teachers and students so that they can co-operate in educational innovations. On the CELT website you can find inspiration with toolkits, courses, testimonials and more. And do you know our BMS Teaching Academy? The BMS Teaching Academy supports and facilitates educational innovations, talent development of teachers and students.