Faiza Bukhsh attended the 5th International Conference on Process Mining from 23 - 27 October 2023, ICPM 2023, in Rome, Italy.
It was a fantastic week filled with learning, exploring exciting opportunities, and socializing with the vibrant ICPM community.
Faiza would like to extend her heartfelt gratitude to Niels Martin, Carlos Fernández Llatas, laura genga and Moe Thandar Wynn for making this experience so enriching and memorable. It's these collective efforts that make events like #ICPM2023 a hub of learning and growth for all involved. She looks forward to continuing these conversations and collaborations beyond the conference!
A special thank you to her co-authors, Floor Rademaker, Rob Bemthuis and Jeewanie Jayasinghe for their unwavering dedication and the incredible synergy they experienced throughout their collaboration.