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REMINDER: Student elections faculty council S&T

REMINder: just two weeks left before the nomination date...

Every spring, we organise elections for the FC S&T. If you want to be part of the FC S&T and feel like challenging issues and pursuing quality, such as supporting the faculty's reputation and improving our study and working environment, nominate yourself!


Due to the FC rotation process, every year a few members leave the FC and their positions become vacant. We are currently looking for STUDENTS who have an interest in affairs on a faculty and university-wide scale. Experience in another council or board comes in handy but is not required.

As an FC member, you will have a meeting with the faculty management team every 6 weeks and in between these meetings, you will meet twice with the FC. This means that you will have approximately a meeting every 2 weeks. Your work will be compensated by an attendance fee for 2024 (see: Participation compensation scheme).

To give you an idea of the topics that were recently on our agenda: internationalisation of the faculty, new construction, establishing the Education and Examination Rules, and the strategy of the faculty. Furthermore, we look into the annual plan, the budget of the faculty, and employee affairs.


Are you interested in being a part of the FC and taking part in the decisions that are related to our faculty? Please take part in the upcoming elections by completing the Online Candidate form and do not hesitate to come to us with questions. Visit FC | TNW-FC (utwente.nl) for more information.

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