Vote now! Student elections 2023

The polls for the student elections of the University Council and the Faculty Councils are open now. You can digitally cast your vote from today 12 June 9.00 hrs. up to and including Friday 16 June 2023,12.00 hrs.

Log in, check the candidates of all the elections and vote NOW! 
You can vote via button or the QR code below.

Your vote counts!


Visit this website to view the University Council candidates for parties DAS and UReka and their introductory video.

Function of the UC                                                                   
This central representative body of the UT has the right to consent to and advise on important decisions of the Executive Board. It can also submit questions, ideas and proposals from employees and students directly to the Executive Board. On the UC website you can find more information about the UC.

Visit also the website participation at the UT for information on all participation bodies. This video shows why you should put yourself forward as a candidate next year.

Invitation UC debate

Are you interested in participation and do you love (to have) a good discussion? Then join the debate between the group chairs of UReka or DAS on Monday 12 June, 12:45 hrs. to 13:15 hrs. at the O&O square, near the Starbucks. A ‘Van der Poel’ ice cream truck will be on hand for a delicious free ice cream. Feel welcome and join the debate!

For questions and comments please contact the Central Elections Committee.

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