Refund of tuition fee on de-enrolment

Refund of tuition fee on de-enrolment

Refund date academic year 2023-2024

De-enrolment on

Refund date

September 30 and October 31

December 5, 2023

November 30* and December 31  

February 6, 2024

January 31* and February 29

April 9, 2024

March 31 and April 30

June 4, 2024

May 31

August 6, 2024

*One instalment covers a payment period of 2.4 months. This means that when de-enrolling as of November 30 or January 31, payment of the tuition fee is not complete yet when you have paid in instalments. If you request for de-enrolment as of November 30 or January 31, and you have paid in instalments, you still owe (a small) part of the tuition fee, which you can pay by means of a single transfer.  
For more information, have a look at the calculation examples below.

If you request de-enrolment in the months of September, November, January, March and May for the 15th of the month, we can take care of this request before an instalment take place. Then we will not debit the whole amount but a part of it. If you request after the 15th we will debit an entire instalment. After de-enrolment, the overpayment will be refunded to your account. 

  • Example: paying in 5 instalments

    You pay the statutory tuition fee and you will be de-enrolled from 1 October. You have paid the first instalment.

    • You did pay €216.80 (excl. administration costs)
    • You have to pay for the month September €90.33 (€1,084/12)
    • Repayment €90.33 – €216.80 = -€126.47

    You pay the statutory tuition fee and you will be de-enrolled from 1 December. You have paid the first instalment (2.4 months) and you still owe part of the tuition fee (0.6 month).

    • You did pay €216.80 (excl. administration costs)
    • You have to pay for 3 months €271 (€1,084/12*3)
    • You still owe €271 – €216.80 = €54.20

    You pay the statutory tuition fee and you will be de-enrolled from 1 February. You have paid two instalments (4.8 months) and you still owe part of the tuition fee (0.2 month).

    • You did pay €433.60 (excl. administration costs)
    • You have to pay for 5 months €451.67 (€1,084/12*5)
    • You still owe €451.67 – €433.60 = €18.07

    You pay the institutional tuition fee for a technical Bachelor and you will be de-enrolled from 1 May. You have paid four instalments.

    • You did pay €7,732.80 (excl. administration costs)
    • You have to pay for 8 months €6,444 (€9,666/12*8)
    • Repayment €6,444 - €7,732.80 = -€1,288.80
  • Example: paying in one time/single transfer

    You pay the statutory tuition fee. You will be de-enrolled from 1 March.

    • You did pay €1,084
    • You have to pay for 6 months € 542 (€1,084/12*6)
    • Repayment €542 - €1,084 = -€542

    You pay the institutional tuition fee for a technical Master and you will be de-enrolled from 1 May.

    • You did pay €15,166
    • You have to pay for 8 months €10,110,67 (15,166/12*8)
    • Repayment €10,110.67 - €15,166 = -€5,055.33
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