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Tuition fees bachelor's

Are you ready to sign up?

How much do you need to pay for your bachelor's? Find out about the tuition fees.

The tuition fee you will need to pay depends on two factors: your nationality and the type of programme you have chosen to follow. 

Tuition fees for EU/EAA students

If you are a national of an EU/EEA country, it is likely you need to pay the so-called ‘statutory tuition fee’. This fee is determined and subsidised by the Dutch government and will be adjusted each academic year. The statutory tuition fee applies to most, but not all students from EU/EEA countries and/or bachelor's (also see ‘Institutional tuition fee’). Visit the website of Student Services for detailed payment conditions.

Overview of statutory tuition fees for bachelor's programmes

2023-2024 (Sep-Aug)

2024-2025 (Sep-Aug)

2025-2026 (Sep-Aug)

All bachelor's, except for University College Twente

€ 2,314 per year

€ 2,530 per year

to be determined

University College Twente (ATLAS)

€ 4,628 per year

€ 5,060 per year

to be determined

Tuition fees for non-EU/EAA students

If you are a national of a non-EU/EEA country, you will need to pay the so-called 'institutional fee'. This fee is higher than the statutory fee because Dutch universities do not receive government funding for non-EU/EEA students. Visit the website of Student Services for detailed payment conditions.

Overview of institutional tuition fees for bachelor's programmes

2023-2024 (Sep-Aug)

2024-2025 (Sep-Aug)

2025-2026 (Sep-Aug)

Alpha-Gamma* bachelor's

€ 9,500 per year

€ 9,625 per year

to be determined

Bèta* bachelor's

€ 12,750 per year

€ 12,875 per year

to be determined

University College Twente (ATLAS)

€ 15,064 per year

€ 15,405 per year

to be determined

* The institutional fee you will need to pay depends on the type of programme you will follow. Check below to see whether you will follow an Alpha-Gamma or Bèta programme.

  • Overview of Alpha-Gamma and Bèta programmes

    Alpha-Gamma programmes

    • Communication Science
    • Health Sciences
    • International Business Administration
    • Management Society & Technology  
    • Psychology

    Bèta programmes

    • Advanced Technology
    • Applied Mathematics
    • Applied Physics
    • Biomedical Technology 
    • Business Information Technology
    • Chemical Science & Engineering
    • Civil Engineering
    • Creative Technology
    • Electrical Engineering
    • Industrial Design Engineering
    • Industrial Engineering & Management
    • Mechanical Engineering 
    • Technical Computer Science
    • Technical Medicine
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