Transitional arrangement institutional rate 2025-2026

Transitional arrangement for the increase of the institutional rate 2025-2026

With effect from the academic year of 2025-2026, the institutional rates will be set with an extra addition on top of the regular annual increase for all master programme. The University of Twente wants to compensate students who have started a master programme in or before the academic year 2024-2025. A transitional arrangement has been set up for this purpose. The transitional arrangement implies that the students who have already started their programme in or before the study year 2024-2025 will pay the old rate. The regular annual increase of €250, will be applicable.

Conditions for transitional arrangement

There are a number of conditions in place to qualify for the transitional arrangements:

  • Students are entitled to the transition rate if...
    • They started their master programme in or before the academic year 2024-2025.
    • This transitional arrangement will be applicable up to and including the academic year 2027-2028.
  • A student is not entitled to the transition rate if...
    • The student has started in academic year 2024-2025 or earlier with a Master’s programme and switches Master's programme during or after study year 2026-2027. For the newly chosen programme, the renewed rate will apply.
    • The student has started in academic year 2024-2025 or earlier with a Master’s programme, (temporarily) is de-enrolled for this programme and returns during or after study year 2026-2027. For the (newly) chosen programme, the renewed rate will apply.
    • The student has been admitted for academic year 2024-2025 for a Master’s programme, but decides to start the programme in 2026-2027.
    • The student has started a Premaster's programme in academic year 2024-2025 or earlier and enrol in a Master’s programme in academic year 2026-2027.

Institutional rates

Do you meet the conditions for the transition rates, then the institutional rates are as follows for the coming years:





Institutional tuition fee - Enrolment Master's bèta

€ 17,000

€ 17,250

€ 17,500

€ 17,750

Institutional tuition fee - Enrolment Master's alfa-gamma  

€ 14,250

€ 14,500

€ 14,750

€ 15,000

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