Transitional arrangement institutional rate 2023-2024

Transitional arrangement for the increase of the institutional rate 2023-2024

With effect from the academic year of 2023-2024, the institutional rates will be set with an extra addition on top of the regular annual increase for engineering / beta studies or non-engineering / alpha-gamma studies. The University of Twente wants to meet students who have started a forementioned study in or before the academic year 2023-2024. A transitional arrangement has been set up for this purpose. The transitional arrangement implies that the students who have already started their programme before the study year 2023-2024 will pay the old rate. The regular annual increase of €125 (bachelor's) or €250 (master's), will be applicable.

Conditions for transitional arrangement

There are a number of conditions attached to the transitional regime.

  • Students are entitled to the transition rate if...
    • They started their engineering bachelor or non-engineering master in or before the academic year 2022-2023.
    • This transitional arrangement will be applicable up till and including the academic year 2026-2027.
  • A student is not entitled to the transition rate if...
    • The student transfers to another bachelor or master programme in or after 2023-2024. The newly chosen study will be subject to the renewed rate.
    • The student temporarily quits the studies and returns during or after 2023-2024 to continue the study. For the (newly) selected programme, the renewed rate applies.
    • The student was admitted to an engineering/beta study or a non-engineering/alpha-gamma master in 2022-2023 and decides to start his programme in 2023-2024.
    • The student who started a preparatory year with the Twente Pathway College and who starts his beta bachelor in 2023-2024.
    • The student who started a pre-master programme in or before 2022-2023 and who starts a non-engineering master in 2023-2024.

Institutional rates

Do you meet the conditions for the transition rates, then the institutional rates are as follows for the coming years:



Institutional tuition fee - Enrolment bachelor's bèta

€ 11,000

€ 11,125

Institutional tuition fee - Enrolment bachelor bèta ATLAS

€ 13,209

€ 13,655

Institutional tuition fee - Enrolment master's alpha-gamma

€ 13,000

€ 13,250

  • Bachelor Bèta en Master Alpha / Gamma opleidingen voor overgangsregeling 2023-2024
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