Student counselling

At university, we expect a great deal of independence from you. The tempo is higher than you are used to at secondary school.

You are responsible for the progress of your studies. Fortunately, you do not have to do it all by yourself. Sometimes you need a little bit of help. A nudge to help you successfully complete your studies. 

Your study adviser

At the start of your study programme, you will be assigned a study adviser with whom you can discuss your progress and help you deal with academic and study-related issues, such as choice of study, planning and task completion. For each project, you will also be assigned a tutor who will supervise your project group.

During your studies, you will receive intensive guidance from the study adviser, lecturers and tutors. During projects, they keep a close eye on you: how is the project going? Are you making progress? Is everyone coping with the tasks? And don't feel inhibited if you want to speak to a lecturer outside lecture time. The University of Twente is known for its small scale and open, informal culture.

Did you make the right choice of study?

Each study programme is designed in such a way that you will have a good idea of its content and level within six months. If you find the programme difficult during that period, you will be able to find an alternative in time: a different study approach, another course or another education. Your study adviser will help you with this. If you discover that you are not in the right place at the end of the first year and you have completed less than 45 of the 60 credits, you will receive a negative binding study decision. Then you will receive negative and binding study advice: you have to stop the programme. By taking the initiative at an early stage, you can prevent this from happening.

When you need a helping hand

Are personal circumstances, such as illness or disability, hindering you in your studies? Student Guidance & Well-being can help you find a suitable form of support. In case of mental issues such as depression, homesickness, problems with parents, relationships or fellow students, or doubts about your study choice, you can see our student psychologists free of charge.

Consult the career counsellor if you have doubts about your choice of study and consider stopping or changing your programme of study. When choosing a master’s, you can call in a career counsellor. You can consult the student counsellor if you have any questions about your rights and obligations, student finance and financial support, coaching, and study facilities.

Personal development training

Are you suffering from stress, procrastination or exam anxiety? Are you struggling to draw your boundaries? Why not take mindfulness or self-management training? It will help you grow! 

To all the personal effectiveness courses

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