student counsellor

Disclosing and sharing personal circumstances


As student counsellors, we offer advice and support if health issues, financial concerns, or confusion about laws and regulations hamper your academic progress. If you want help with any of these issues, we’ll try to clarify your needs in a consultation, identify underlying causes and potential consequences, and advise you on your options. You, as a student, remain in control.

What is a student counsellor?

A student counsellor at university is different from counsellors in secondary education or faculty deans. Student counsellors, like study advisers and student psychologists, are part of the student support chain and can help you with queries or issues regarding legislation relevant to completing your studies at the University of Twente (UT). The student counsellor is available to all UT students and works independently of programmes and faculties. All consultations with the student counsellor are confidential.

What can a student counsellor help with?

Life does not always go according to plan. For instance, you may no longer be able to juggle the care duties for a parent with your studies, or you may have sustained injuries in an accident and require support. Perhaps you feel unfairly treated by a lecturer and struggle to move past it, so you want to address it. Or you might be keen to do that special internship abroad but lack the financial resources. The issues that student counsellors encounter are very diverse! Common areas where we provide support include:

First step: contact your study adviser

Always report personal and/or unforeseen circumstances affecting your study progress to the study adviser of your programme within the faculty. This is the first line of student support. A timely report to the study adviser is also a condition for qualifying for certain financial arrangements. You can consult the study adviser on many topics, such as:

If necessary, the study adviser will refer you to the student counsellor (second line), or you may take the initiative to schedule an appointment with us yourself. Without your permission, the study adviser and the student counsellor do not exchange information about you. Your study adviser is listed here: Study Advisers (

How do I make an appointment?

You can schedule an appointment via the secretariat of the Student Guidance & Well-being (SGW) department by calling (+3153 489 2035) or stopping by (Vrijhof, 3rd floor, red desk). If you prefer to send your question by email first, you can reach us at (not suitable for making an appointment!). We will then assess how we can assist you.

Contact SGW Secretariat to make an appointment.
Click here

Who are we?

We are the student counsellors at the University of Twente. By providing you with short-term counselling, we aim to help you experience success or progress in your studies and student life. If we’re not the right source of help, we will try to refer you to other professionals within or outside the UT.