Colloquium Doctum (in Dutch toelatingsonderzoek)
The Committee CBT (in Dutch Commissie Bijzondere Toelating) attends to the admission requests of those prospective students who are not directly admissible to the Bachelor's programmes of the University of Twente. Apart from determining if a prospective student is entitled to sit for the entrance examinations (in Dutch Colloquium Doctum), the Committee will, in those occasional cases, also check the proficiency in the Dutch and the English language.
The proceedings of the Committee are laid out in the articles 7.25, 7.28 and 7.29 of the Law on Higher Education and Scientific Research (Wet op Hoger Onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, WHW).
Dutch 'Commissie Bijzondere Toelating' (CBT) In the committee, the following members are seated:
- Dr. G.A.M. Jeurnink - Mathematics
- Prof.Dr. N.S. Groenendijk - Economy
- A.N. van Rossum - Physics
- Dr.A.A. Albert de la Bruhèze - Modern History
- To be appointed - Secretary
- To be appointed - Chair
Prospective students over 21 years of age without the Dutch VWO diploma/level can obtain admission through a complete colloquium doctum. The prospective students have to be 21 years or older on 1 September concerning the academic year.
Are you a refugee in the Netherlands or another European country? Please contact us via Student Services.
If you want to participate in the colloquium doctum, you will have to submit a regular application via Studielink. You have to upload a document with the explanation that you want to apply via a complete colloquium doctum. You can upload the document at the question concerning your secondary education. Applications received after the application deadlines will not be considered.
The colloquium doctum exam dates have not yet been determined.
If you have completed the colloquium doctum exam(s) - Modern History or General Development - from the University of Twente with sufficient results, you will obtain a written statement from the University Board (‘College van Bestuur’). Based on this statement you may, provided you fulfill all other application requirements, apply as a student to the University of Twente of the Bachelor's programme for which the statement of the colloquium doctum is relevant. A successfully completed colloquium doctum will only grant admission to the Bachelor's programme at the institution where the colloquium doctum is taken.
Note: The Executive Board of the University of Twente has decided to charge a fee of € 50 per subject with a maximum of € 100. In case of cancellation, € 15 administration costs will be charged.
The language requirement can be met via the Dutch Officieel Staatsexamen or via an additional English and/or Dutch language test. For the subjects Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and/or Biology the University of Twente accepts certificates from the CCVX, James Boswell or the Dutch Officieel Staatsexamen. De subjects General Development and Modern History will be offered at the University of Twente.
Below is an overview of the admission requirements for the different Bachelor's programmes. Please check first if you are allowed to take the special entrance examinations.
- VWO English
- VWO Mathematics B
- VWO Physics
- VWO English
- VWO Mathematics B
- VWO Dutch
- VWO English
- VWO Mathematics B
- VWO Physics
- VWO Dutch
- VWO English
- VWO Mahtematics B
- VWO Physics
- VWO Chemistry
Business Information Technology - VWO English
- VWO Mathematics B
Chemical Science & Engineering - VWO English
- VWO Mathematics B
- VWO Physics
- VWO Chemistry
- VWO English
- VWO Mathematics B
- VWO Physics
- VWO English
- VWO Mathematics A
- VWO General Development
- VWO English
- VWO Mathematics A, B or C
- VWO English
- VWO Mahtematics B
- VWO Physics
- VWO Dutch
- VWO English
- VWO Mathematics A
- VWO Biology
- VWO Economy
Industrial Design Engineering - VWO English
- VWO Mathematics B
- VWO Physics
Industrial Engineering & Management Science - VWO English
- VWO Mathematics B
- VWO General Development
International Business Administration - VWO English
- VWO Mathematics A
Management, Society and Technology - VWO English
- VWO Mathematics A
- VWO Modern History
- VWO English
- VWO Mathematics B
- VWO Physics
- VWO English
- VWO Mathematics A, B or C
- VWO General Development
- VWO Dutch (only applicable for the Dutch-taught track)
Technical Computer Science - VWO English
- VWO Mathematics B
- VWO Dutch
- VWO English
- VWO Mathematics B
- VWO Physics
- VWO Chemistry
- VWO Biology