Imagine and Ideate

Celebrate co-speculation! By you and the crew


  • What: An Imagine and Ideate exercise, to 'tangibilise' futures and abstract concepts
  • Goal: To evoke reactions and stimulate reflection and dialogue regarding future
  • Duration: 30-40 mins


'Provotyping' in futures design consists of creating provocative prototypes of future artifacts, experiences, situations. They should be provocative to evoke emotions and reactions from others, to stimulate constructive reflection and dialogue regarding the desirability (or undesirability of that future).

How it works

  1. Based on the learnings of the futures wheel or worldbuilding exercise, produce a tangible provotype of a product, service, organisation or else that could exist in this future aimed at addressing the societal challenge you are dealing with.
  2. Use LEGO, PlayMobil or tinkering material to make a tangible representation of that provotype (it can be 3D or 2D).
  3. Place the provotype in context. Think about:
Tip(s) for moderator

Ideally, participants provotype different futures to ensure it becomes clear that there is a plurality of futures. By making different futures tangible, it is possible to have a more constructive discussion about the desirability or undesirability of the futures participants have created.


A 'provotype' to engage in reflection and discussion on that future. What if that future existed? How would we feel it in?
How would it influence the actors you identified during Connect and Relate?



The concept of 'provotyping' is very well known in the context of design research and education.
Some interesting publications are:

Next step(s)

Back to the future, part of 'Reflect and Reframe'.


Other methods and tools to 'Imagine and Ideate':