Reflect and Reframe

Celebrate co-speculation! By you and the crew

Back to the future

  • What: A Reflect and Reframe exercise, to bring lessons back to the present
  • Goal: Engage in reflection about the futures you have envisioned
  • When: After Provotype
  • Duration: 30 mins (depending on the number of participants)


Engage in reflection about the futures you have envisioned.

How it works

What is desirable and what is undesirable of the future you imagined?

  1. Pitch the future and provotype you tangibilised to others.
  2. All participants think of desirable and undesirable aspects of this future they foresee and write them down.
  3. Discuss in the group and together reflect on this possible future. What are the main takeaways from this imaginary? E.g. ask yourself: What does this mean for decisions you can make today, your behavior or actions you take? Or how would you reframe the societal challenge at this moment? What research questions do pop up you want to explore further (with this group or beyond)?
Tip(s) for moderator

While a group pitches their provotype, encourage the rest of participants to write down on post-its their thoughts and reactions to it. Plot and cluster the reactions as desirable and undesirable.


New insights into aspects that you would like to incorporate in the present to address the societal challenge.


Flip-overs to write down the main points of discussion emerging during the presentation of the 'provotype'.

Next step(s)

Articulate your desirable future


Other methods and tools to 'Reflect and Reframe':