Imagine and Ideate

Celebrate co-speculation! By you and the crew

Cover story

  • What: An Imagine and Ideate exercise, to 'tangibilise' futures and abstract concepts.
  • Goal: Making a future tangible by creating a cover of a magazine
  • Duration: 1 hour for full exercise


This is a visioning tool that allows making a future tangible, creating the cover page of a magazine portraying that future.

How it works

  1. Articulate a societal challenge.
  2. Discuss in a group the values that matter to you in relation to that challenge and why. How could you contribute to address that challenge? How would success addressing the challenge look like to you? What should be part of that future?
  3. Share those insights in a group.
  4. After identifying these values, think (collaboratively) what could happen in 10 years from now and the challenge was addressed. Think of a cover page of a magazine.
  5. What would be the main headline of the magazine?
  6. What would be the main image of that cover?
  7. Who would be interviewed and what would they say about the process of addressing the challenge?


A tangible portray of a future.




Other methods and tools to 'Imagine and Ideate':