UTTechMedCHOIREventsArchiveManaging urgent care in hospitals

Managing urgent care in hospitals

CHOIR SYMPOSIUM: Managing urgent care in hospitals

On June 23rd CHOIR is organizing a symposium titled ‘Managing urgent care in hospitals’ at the University of Twente. Coffee will be ready from 10.30, and the symposium will feature prominent speakers from academia and healthcare. At 14.30 Nardo Borgman will defend his PhD thesis, followed by a reception until 17.30.

General information:


23 June 2017


University of Twente (directions, campus map)
Symposium in Ravelijn 1501
Thesis defense in Waaier 4 (Prof.dr. G. Berkhoff room)



Registration fee:

Free, lunch will be provided

Registration deadline:

21 June 2017


10:30 – 11:00

Welcome and coffee

11:00 – 11:30

Christos Vasilakis    (University of Bath)

Advancing the role of operations research and management in health and care: recent developments and examples from the UK

11:30 – 12:00

Derya Demirtas (University of Twente)

Where to place automated external defibrillators?: Using data analytics and mathematical optimization to guide location decisions

12:00 – 13:00


13:00 – 13:30

Joris van de Klundert (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam)

Stochastic and Adaptive Operating Room Scheduling

13:30 – 14:00

Marjanne Luinstra (University of Twente)

Walk-in CT in practice: a data analysis


Public thesis defense of Nardo Borgman