R. Kroeske
R. Kroeske

Department of Molecules & Materials (MM)

Department of Molecules & Materials: From the molecular perspective to the materials transition

At the Department of Molecules & Materials (M&M), we explore the fascinating world of molecules to create innovative materials that address global challenges in health, climate, and sustainability.

With our molecular perspective, the M&M department is the link between physics and health domain. Our researchers stand at the forefront of science, bridging the gap between fundamental molecular research and real-world applications.

Within the Department of Molecules & Materials we carry out cutting-edge research at the forefront of science, with a keen eye on potential applications of our work. This is evident from publications in highly ranked academic journals, but also from contributions of our scientists to conferences, symposia and interactions with the general public.

While all principal investigators are experts in their own research fields, with support from respected funding agencies, we aim for a collaborative effort to excel in our scientific and teaching activities in order to make an impact in the different domains recognized by the University of Twente (see graph below). The departments balances the research efforts along all faculty themes related to health, water, energy, safety & security, sustainable materials & processes and climate.

Jeroen Cornelissen: “In our department we shape the Future with Molecular Precision”


We are equally dedicated to educating future generations of scientists, providing them with a strong foundation in molecular principles and their applications in health and beyond. The Department is highly committed to teaching in the field of Chemical Sciences and Engineering and also connected to the other study programs within the Faculty of Science and Technology (CSE, BMT, TN, AT and their master programs). Our teaching continues along the academic journey for all PhD candidates and postdoctoral fellows. Besides the traditional student education on the BSc and MSc level, our team has extensive experience in life-long learning and teaching innovations like peer learning, blended learning and conceptual modelling.

The research within the department is headed by the following PI's: