EngD thesis defence Jan-Willem NijkampOn Tuesday, February 11th 2025 at 13:00, Mr. Jan-Willem Nijkamp will defend his EngD thesis entitled: "Design of test methods for enhanced adhesion testers".Read more
Unveiling the mysteries of rubber: a conversation with Professor Dr Anke BlumeIn the heart of the University of Twente, a remarkable woman is dedicated to unravelling the intricate complexities of a material that has shaped our world for centuries: rubber. Professor Dr Anke Blume, the Chair of Elastomer Technology and Engineering, has spent her career exploring the fascinating properties and potential of this versatile substance.Read more
EngD thesis defence Jan-Willem Nijkamp
Unveiling the mysteries of rubber: a conversation with Professor Dr Anke Blume
PhD thesis defence Ammarin Kraibut
EngD thesis defence Saime Seran Ünal
“Re-Think” Sulfur Curing
PhD thesis defence Stefan Frosch
PhD thesis defence Priyanka Sekar
EngD thesis defence Jefferson da Silva
PhD thesis defence Rounak Ghosh
Market day on Circular Rubber of the Dutch Association of Rubber Manufacturers, division of Technical Rubber Products (NVR/TRA)
Wilma Dierkes was awarded the Colwyn Medal of the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining (IOM3, GB)
'Dr. Rubber' made appearance at Zwarte Cross