UTFacultiesETDepartmentsMS3Research ChairsElastomer Technology and Engineering

Elastomer Technology and Engineering (ETE)

Elastomer technology and engineering (ETE)

The key topic of the chair of Elastomer Technology and Engineering (ETE) at the University of Twente is material development. Within this area, the main areas are 

Common ground of all projects within ETE is sustainability.


The mission of the Elastomer Technology and Engineering group (ETE) is to establish itself as a ‘chain of knowledge ’ in the field of elastomer technology, with a clear emphasis on research subjects at the forefront of new developments. The group serves as an academic training ground for students and scientists in the rubber world at large. The group aims at playing a key role in the academic and industrial world of elastomer technology and to be an obvious participant in new developments.

The elastomer world faces a series of important challenges for the future, of which the most important ones are:

The ETE group aims to position itself explicitly in these fields.

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